Ira Leon Rennert, born on the 31st May 1934, is an American entrepreneur and investor. In May, 2010, a new mikvah at the Fifth Avenue Synagogue was dedicated. Ira Rennert is a 85 year old professional financier, representing Swiss, born on 31st May 1934, Brooklyn.

Jewish Focused Philanthropy. Whether it be financial and economic, environmental and ecological, health and well-being. THROUGH MY RESEARCH into Nina Rosenwald and Gatestone Institute I came across the name Ingeborg Rennert in the list of Gatestone Institute Board of Governors, as seen below.Since using this screenshot in a video, the list of Board of Governors has been removed from the Gatestone Institute website. Instead of reducing and cleaning up the population made by the smelter with the profits as promised, IRA Rennert secretly syphoned off almost $100 million to build one of the most expensive mansions in the world with 29 bedrooms and 39 bathrooms at a cost of $186 million.Rennert’s mansion created a controversy even in an exclusive New York community because of its obscene size and decadence complete with gold leaf inlays and bowling alley.
He is … This is a classic case of the devastating effect the Jewish supremacist mind-set and this Zionist cabal can have on the unwitting “goyim”.I have to admit, I couldn’t get through the entire article… only because of the repulsive and hideous visages of the creatures being written about. Guests in attendance included Police Comissioner Ray Kelly, Elie Wiesel, lawyer and political commentator Alan Dershowitz and Commonwealth Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks who addressed the gathering.Another connection through the Gatestone Institute to the Rennerts is Donald Trump’s new National Security Advisor The Guardian of Zion Award is an annual award given since 1997 to Jews who have been supportive of the State of Israel.
In 1997, Doe Run went on to pay $247 million for a similarly environmentally troubled lead smelting complex from the Peruvian government, as well as borrowing more money to service its Fluor Corporation debt. Rennert & Co. but unfortunately due to some problems, he violated the so-called net capital rule and his license to work in the securities industry was revoked. Funding for construction was provided by Ira Rennert.The Rennerts are also tied to the pro-Jewish Zionist and anti-Muslim conspiracy theorist Frank Gaffney.

Ira Rennert earned his billions from working in the finance, metals, and minerals industries. That is until you understand the mind-set of these psychopathic elitist Zionist Jews. Wiesel and his wife were close of the Rennerts for years. You start coughing, your eyes water.”2 million pounds of contamination were spewing out of those chimney stacks every single day. That includes the jobs and investment that came from Doe Run. Edward Norton. His strategy proved to be successful and tremendously increased his wealth over time. He has donated $1 million to the World Trade Center Memorial, $5 million to the Wiesel Center at Boston University, and $250,000 to the Lincoln Center.Being Jewish himself, he has helped projects with regards to his faith, including donating funds to help build The Western Wall Heritage Foundation in Jerusalem. He became part of the company Integrated Resources in which makes money from junk bonds; after the company suffered some losses, Rennert saw it as an opportunity, and started Renco Group trading bonds for his own company.Rennert concentrated in building up his own company by buying all the shares of a company that is struggling, and financing the acquisition by issuing junk bonds.