It offers off-chip and silicon fingerprint sensors for use in various applications, including mobility platforms, computer platforms and peripherals, payment and security, identification and personalization, healthcare and banking, and security enabled or personalized consumer electronics. Finbiometrics Following election from employees, the board has on 1 July 2020 resolved to issue 4,318,523 shares instead of a cash compensation of NOK … To the best of the company’s knowledge and belief, no shareholder, or group of shareholders, control the company, directly or indirectly.Information document prepared by Oslo Børs for shareholders in Norwegian listed companies, provided for reference: Register to receive eNewsletters from the Marketing Team at IDEX Biometrics. IDEX is not aware of any shareholder agreements or other similar understandings among its shareholders that may result in a change in control of IDEX. The placement comprised 2,370,000 of SuperCom’s unregistered ordinary shares, at $1.35 per share.

The interim report will be published at 07:00 CET that morning, with a telephone and webcast presentation to follow two hours later. All IDEX’s notices to the Oslo Børs (Oslo Stock Exchange) can be found ... To sign up to receive IDEX Biometrics news, please e-mail IDEX.OL Stock Chart IDEX Biometrics develops and sells fingerprint imaging and recognition technology.

The report reiterates some of the figures published in FPC’s Q4 update earlier this year, and offers a snapshot of general business highlights. FPC’s Board […]“The capital is meant to help NEXT Biometrics cover its payroll and overhead expenses at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted operations and the broader economy.” NEXT Biometrics‘ US-based subsidiary, NEXT Biometrics Inc., has received a $1 million loan through the US government’s COVID-19 relief program for businesses, the company has announced. All shares have equal voting rights and there are no maximum thresholds on voting.

Stock analysis for IDEX Biometrics ASA (IDEX:Oslo) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile. According to Norwegian law and the company’s articles of association, the shares are freely transferable. These include the company’s confirmation of an integration of its fingerprint sensor technology into a Samsung […]NEXT Biometrics has revealed plans to dramatically reduce operational expenses and “reset” the company, and also revealed a key preliminary figure from its first quarter of 2020.