Rip Hunter is a time traveller. Origin of first name Hunter Back. This lovely, old-fashioned name means the den of the hunter. If Hunter is too common of a name choice for you, then go with Huntingden.

Rigel Hunter is a somewhat prominent first name for males (#735 out of 1220, Top 60%) and an even more prominent surname for both adults and children (#153 out of 150436, Top 1%). From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman. Fowler was once just a surname, but it is now used as a first name as well. The Anglo-Saxon name Hunter comes from when its first bearer worked as a hunter. Cocidius is a bold and formal name, making it perfect for sophisticated and traditional parents. The popularity of the first name, from 1600 to nowadays, is calculated on the basis of the family trees published on Geneanet. Some of the first settlers of this family name were:Subscribe to our Newsletter to receive early discount offers, latest news, sales and promo information.Digital Products on Checkout, all other products filled in 1 business dayYes, all products 100% GuaranteedRemoving this item from your shopping cart will remove your associated sale items.Are you sure you want to delete this item from your shopping cart?Entire site uses SSL / Secure CertificateChaucer's Canterbury Tales includes and old poem about the name "With hunte and home, and houndes him beside." Origin of the name Hunter: Transferred use of the surname derived from the Middle English hunte (a hunter, a huntsman). Find the meaning, history and popularity of given names from around the world. © 2017 Name Origin Research.

The Magni Rotuli Scaccarii Normanniae listed Robert Le Huant in Normandy in 1198.. Name day: March 26 (Hunter) Popularity of the first name Hunter. The first thing you should know if you are considering Hunter for your baby's name is that in most countries all over the world the name Hunter is a boy name. One of the earliest settlers in the New World was Francis Hunter, aged nineteen, who sailed from the port of London aboard the ship "Thomas and John" bound for Virginia, in June 1635. 15. Family name origins & meanings. Find out the meaning and the origin of the name, Hunter on Scottish, English, and northern Irish : variant of Hunt, a Middle English secondary derivative formed with the addition of the agent noun suffix -er. He is the guardian of the Timestream and leader of the Time Masters. All rights reserved.Subscribe to the SurnameDB Newsletter and recieve our fortnightly updates on top family history and genealogy news and tips, delivered straight to your inbox.SDB Popularity ranking: 118Subscribe to the SurnameDB Newsletter and recieve our fortnightly updates on top family history and genealogy news and tips, delivered straight to your inbox.© Copyright: Name Origin Research 1980 - 2017is brought to you thanks to our sponsor: