I'm logged into both devices as "admin", however when I try to install the clone file onto the second device I get an return message "Your request was not processed. The following conditions affect the clonedsettings:Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription.The file can also be useful as abackup or restore file for your machine. Xerox® and PrimeLink® are trademarks of Xerox Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.Groups of settings are available toclone, depending upon the features on the machine and the optional featuresinstalled on the source printer. With Xerox cloning feature you will get an exact duplicate. I'm trying to clone a WorkCentre 5330, I've created the .Dat file and saved it to a network share. Verify your results by typing lpstat -v This should return the list of all of the printers installed on the system . Is there some granular setting I'm missing or set that I need to change? NOTE: To ensure this feature is successfully configured, each of the following steps must be performed in the order they are listed.
From the terminal type in Make sure your printer is at Firmware 64.31.81 or higher. If your machine has to have service orsome other process that would clear the settings the clone file will give you away to restore your settings, address books, etc. I'm trying to clone a WorkCentre 5330, I've created the .Dat file and saved it to a network share. I've confirmed the software on both devices is the same (updated from same file).
; In the IP Address field, enter the IP address of the destination printer. For some products, it is assumed that your device is equipped with the appropriate option to
However, you can conveniently get all your settings to a second like printer and save that time usually used to set up all the settings. I've confirmed the software on both devices is the same (updated from same file).
Xerox products big and small have many features, options and services.
Is this done better from a untouched device better, hence I stated configuring the second device before I found the clone option? To clone the settings from this printer, select Printer Settings.
Software upgrade files do not overwrite printer configuration settings. When Xerox releases a new version of software for your device, you can use Fleet Orchestrator to install the software upgrade file. Sending Configuration Files: Generate your clone file on the Xerox printer and download it to the desktop of the computer with all of the printers installed. Let Xerox Customer Support help you understand and use the features, options and services available for your production, office or small business products and laugh a little along the way.© 2020 Xerox Corporation.