The Study Guide consists of 15 modules and a Glossary that vary from approximately 20 to 60 pages.
Shorter modules take about 30 minutes, and longer modules may take up to 90 minutes to complete.To access the practice exam, you must be signed into your account on do not need to be a housing counselor to take the practice exam; it is available to anyone who creates a account.Training materials include correct answers and corresponding explanations for knowledge checks.
The candidate's incorrect response is outlined in red. 800-368-5625 Login to Learning Center Successfully Passed the following Exam:1.
Completion of Certification Application The Study Guide provides the same feedback at the end of each module.Upon completion, you will receive a summary page with feedback and recommendations for further study by topic. This training is intended to be a supplemental class that assists experienced housing counselors in key areas. NAHP is the only professional certification program with stringent requirements dedicated solely to recognizing and promoting achievement of the highest possible standards in affordable housing management.The fees associated with securing the NAHP certification have been authorized as eligible to be paid from project expenses by HUD. Responses are highlighted in green and outlined in dark green when the candidate selected the correct response.Training is available to anyone who creates an account. A single file of the entire training is not available.The Knowledge Assessment, unlike the HUD Housing Counselors Certification Exam, poses questions at three levels of difficulty. By achieving NAHRO’s Certified Specialist of inspection Housing Quality Standards (CSI-HQS) designation, an individual has demonstrated that he/she has the knowledge, skills and ability necessary for inspecting housing choice voucher units. The recommendations are based on how well candidates perform in each content area of the examination:To take the interactive online training course, be sure your computer meets minimum requirements by installing one of the following browsers:While reviewing the results, test takers should note that the responses highlighted in green are the correct responses. Certification Candidates. You may take the practice exam as many times as you would like.To access the training, you must be signed into your account on online training consists of 15 modules that vary in length. However, to increase certification exam passing rates, candidates are highly encouraged to study the course content.If you prefer, you can view the modules in a downloadable Study Guide, available in a PDF format. This individual understands the importance of and agrees to adhere to the highest standard of professional conduct.1. Please take note of the summary page, as you will not have repeat access to the results. You can choose from two study methods: an interactive online training course or a downloadable Study Guide in PDF format.The Support team is not able to provide physical copies of the Study Guide. Sign into your account and take the following steps to access each component.The online training is interactive, but it does not include audio.To access the Knowledge Assessment, you must be signed into your account on practice exam is free and accesible in both English and Spanish. 0.5 CEUs required every 3 years from date of certification Certification is achieved by completing the requirements for:The National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO).By achieving NAHRO’s Certified Specialist of inspection Housing Quality Standards (CSI-HQS) designation, an individual has demonstrated that he/she has the knowledge, skills and ability necessary for inspecting housing choice voucher units. He/she has the ability to conduct pre-inspection and inspection preparations and procedures, and understands the finer points of negotiation and arbitration with landlords and residents and the need for consistency and re-inspections. An individual has also acquired the knowledge necessary to determine the impact inspection outcomes have on their agency’s SEMAP score.
Certification & Training. Our comprehensive agenda of educational opportunities is second to none. By reviewing the results of this type of test, learners can assess their knowledge and focus their studies where there may be knowledge gaps. During the COVID-19 health crisis, HRC will be offering these trainings virtually. Education and Event Calendar; National Affordable Housing Professional® Certification (NAHP®) Certified Professional of Occupancy™ (CPO™) Blended Compliance Designation (BCD) By reviewing the results of this type of test, learners can assess their knowledge and focus their studies where there may be knowledge gaps.