It all depends on the amount of bandwidth your team has, and the amount of support your operations will have during the holidays.Years ago, the holiday season used to just be three main retail-heavy events:If the past few years are any indication, everyone will still be buttoning up their plans just weeks (and final hours!)

In speaking to these experts, eight areas of concentration emerged.The holiday season will make or break revenue goals for almost every B2C retailer — both online and in-store.Are you ready for the holiday season? But WeWork, a provider of co-working and office spaces around the world, has disproved that perception with its #wwgiftguide campaign.This year, Edeka is at it again with its "#Zeitschenken -- EDEKA Weihnachtswerbung" ads (which translates to "#Time -- EDEKA Christmas Advertising"), this time showing how the frenzy around holidays can keep us from remembering the most important thing of all -- spending them with the people we love.This series of commercials has all the great aspects of an ad campaign becuase its relatable, nostalgic, and incredibly heartwarming.The idea is delightfully interactive. For the program, you can invite a live band for the performances.

It also lightly tackles gender norms by telling the story of a girl who wants to be a fictional character, and also take on a role that's been traditionally held by a man throughout history.Find a partner in our global community of service providers who can help you grow.While the holiday season is a time for caring and sharing, Walkers shows musician Mariah Carey doing the exact opposite. And with events typically come music.

Sign up for our weekly newsletter.The reputation you’ve built with customers throughout the year will be one of the deciding factors when they choose where to shop for the holidays. They remind you of the bears you might have played with as a child and the average grandparents.  At the end, when you see the teddy bears join their family, you might also remember the happiness you felt when your grandparents came and brought you gifts or hugs during the holidays.How? Some marketing ideas include:For this holiday season, make your readers experience the festivity of the holidays in your email. But it’s better in the long run to start small with your holiday campaigns, especially if this is your first holiday season as a brand.Even larger retailers who have been around for decades often refer back to the basics during the holidays. This snowman on a sweater was too jealous to handle the awesomeness of the Holiday Shave Set -- hence, the hair dryer.
Spice up your office by decorating it with garlands, lights, and of course, a tree. In November, the pet-friendly brand showed how to do that at Thanksgiving, with a clever email that included holiday-themed cartoons and videos, feeding safety tips, and other holiday survival techniques -- which, of course, involve your dog.Remember that sentimental value of holiday marketing that we mentioned earlier?

For instance, you can send customized Christmas ornaments with your logo or gift stockings with your website on them.
Bon appetit -- and rock on.It's a great example of a simple, funny video perfect for social media.