HELICAL Stripes 101 begins here!

At my LYS, the owner, Mary, suggested this type of striping and explained how to do it. Ginny Jovanovich returns to Knitting for Charity with yet another outstanding use for leftover yarn: a little-known knitting technique called helix knitting Ginny Jovanovich, I’m convinced, is a genius with leftover yarn! When you get to round two, slip the first stitch of the round purlwise (wyif), then knit the rest of the round. The element of surprise is part of the fun.Living in the NYC area, your comment about only shipping Zauberball colorway Shadows to NYC absolutely cracked me up.

That’s what Jen says. It’s such a brilliant idea. (That’s Jen and Jim in the lower left corner, beaming encouragement. WHAT. I’m currently having fun with helical stripes and looking forward to the next lesson.I had come accross Helix knitting for stripes a few years ago but it never dawned on me to use it to alternate skeins of hand dyed yarn. I have set up an explanatory and easy to follow complete step by step photo tutorial that you can look at as you teach yourself how to do these simple stripes. Helical stripes are a fantastic way of working one row stripes of colour, in traditional striped knitting in the round we would knit with one yarn up to the start of the round marker and then pick up the new yarn , … I will have to see it to believe it. And I can’t wait to see what’s next!How wonderfully serendipitous. If you are using a Zauberball, you should get the graduated change in colour like the photos with the pattern. Last week i decided to knit some baby balloon pants with single row stripes. I think I understand that you do that on each color. 1. When I try it I seem to get 3 stitches that aren’t in the correct color. !Not terribly long circs–I don’t have them in front of me, but 24 or 29″?I don’t understand this statement: “I divided it unevenly, to maximize contrast in the stripes at the start of my mitts.” How will making your balls of unequal size affect the contrast? At 84+ am still learning!Live the helix idea of change g cors. Decide which of the colours you will use to bind off stitches.Or you can knit mittens with a cuff in a solid colour, helix stripes in the main part and a solid colour again at the top of the mitten.If you don’t want to worry about rearranging the balls of yarn every time you change colour, simply stop knitting and untangle the yarn once in a while.Follow steps 1 and 2 of the “Basic Set Up”.
How to Join A Year of Techniques. In chapter 2 Something New to Learn About Helical Knitting will introduce a whole series of other stitch patterns that can be worked with a double helix of stitches. to upgrade your knitting skills.Today I’m going to be showing you how to work helical stripes. But if I worked two or more skeins at the same time, in helical stripes, the shade differences would blend.

The normal Zauberball has a single ply which gradually changes colour, so when you work with two balls of it, then you’re striping one colour against another. If I use your technique for the stripes and slip 3 stitches before the marker wouldn’t that leave a hole? Here's a story about a video that really helped me out with a circular knitting technique.

If you’re getting it right, it will be obvious right away.I am very excited about the idea of learning new techniques. The helical knitting technique completely removes the jog, as well as removing the ridge where yarns are carried at the rear of the work (see wrong side image above). Cast on 10 stitches with colour A. That’s just the start of it!

And that interrupts the continuity of the stripe.2. I found the pattern at RavelryHave done a few helix hats but not pleased at how they look when bound off, is there a special way todo this. I will have to see it to believe it. It just saves slipping any stitches. Thank you. Learn what you need to know to do what must be done.I’m itching to cast on right now!It’s not just you. Follow Jen and Jim's many knitting and craft adventures, including expert knitting tips, tutorials and book reviews, with bonus quilting and other crafty content.Providing friendly and helpful hand-knitting expertise - patterns, video and photo tutorials, editing services and all-round expert advice for knitters everywhere.Sign up to receive all blog posts straight to your email inbox, as well as our fortnightly newsletter.Sign up for newsletters and/or blog posts from Arnall-Culliford Knitwear by clicking below.So why would you bother to set up multiple spirals of stitches, rather than just stick with one spiral? Each month there will be a new technique, which we will learn through an original pattern by an exceptionally clever designer. This tutorial will outline helix knitting with two colours in single row stripes – but don’t let that stop you from considering this method for three or more colours, as the concept is basically the same.