I refused because IFamously shy and infamously independent, Azzedine Alaia is one of the world's most respected fashion designers. This also indicated the every-growing and glittered livelihood of Alaia for example his very first catwalk that happened in July 2011 that was star-studded with likes of Sofia Coppola and Donatella Versace. Were you aware that Alaia was able to function as a dressmaker together with his twin sister to cover his college instruction and provides? Azzedine Alaïa was a Tunisian haute couture fashion designer based in Paris..
Často si též vymýšlel příběhy o svém původu – jednomu novináři například řekl, že jeho matka byla švédskou modelkou.
In 2015, he was celebrated at the Galleria Borghese in Rome with an exhibition called "Couture/Sculpture: Azzedine Alaïa in the History of Fashion".
In 2008, he was awarded the Legion of Honour by the French government.. Do you understand what’s the paycheck of Azzedine Alaia? Azzedine Alaïa (Arabic: عز الدين عليّة French pronunciation: [azedin alaˈja], pronunciation: Alaya) is a Tunisian-born couturier and shoe designer, particularly successful since the 1980s. As reported by a Celebrity Net Worth site, Azzedine Alaia banked roughly $18 million of 2017 prior to his passing on November 18, 2017.After moving to Paris in 1957, he began working with a number of the names in the style and luxury business, such as Thierry Mugler, Christian Dior, as well as many others. I refused," he told the *Business ofthat's a beautiful decoration."Known for his signature body-con silhouettes, his talent for producing discreet luxury has seen his empire become one of the most prestigious and respected of his generation.don't like Sarkozy, but that's ridiculous. Azzedine Alaïa (26. února 1935 Tunis – 18. listopadu 2017 Paříž) byl tuniský módní návrhář.. Narodil se do zemědělské rodiny. Azzedine Alaïa (26. helmikuuta 1940 Tunis, Tunisia – 18. marraskuuta 2017 Pariisi, Ranska) oli tunisialaissyntyinen muotisuunnittelija, joka oli suosionsa huipussa 1980-luvulla.. Alaïa opiskeli muotoilua École des Beaux-Artsissa Tunisissa.Valmistuttuaan hän pääsi töihin vaatesuunnittelijan assistentiksi mutta alkoi pian vaatettaa omiakin asiakkaitaan. Alaïa was born in Tunis, Tunisia, on 26 February 1940, and he died from an acute myocardial infarction on 18 November 2017. Datum jeho narození není zcela jisté, neboť během života často o svém věku lhal. Otherwise, then the response will certainly blow your brain. In 2011, he started showing his collections on the catwalk again after an eight-years pause.. By Scarlett Kilcooley-O'Halloran 19 July 2012. Shop the Spring Collection 2020 and enjoy complimentary delivery. Held in the highest esteem for his startlingly honest approach, he has been resolute in not bowing to the pressures or demanding timetables of the fashion industry's annual diary - instead crafting and showing his creations in his own time.don't like decorations - except on women. Azzedine Alaia. Datum jeho narození není zcela jisté, neboť během života často o svém věku lhal. Suzy Menkes attending the opening of the exhibition “Azzedine Alaïa: The Couturier”, curated by Mark Wilson, opening today at the Design Museum in London.