The customer and I are not required to inform law enforcement/BATFE due to them considering these unfinished parts as paper weights.Sorry, this product is unavailable. this video demonstrates how to convert a semi automatic glock into fully automatic with items from home, doing this could get you arrested.

- Duration: 11:35. ATF Searching For Illegal Glock Full Auto Conversion Kits | GUNS - … glock machine gun conversion kit, glock mashine gun, illegal glock pistol converter, is an automatic glock 17 illegal in texas, legal full auto glock conversion kit. I guess if you want to make your Glock full auto and didn’t know any better, it might be kind of hard to resist adding the $68 part to your cart and clicking that check out button.Tell me in the comments if you see any reason that this wouldn’t work on a “real steel” Glock?I am not going to link the product page here but I will drop some screen shots of the page as well as the photos of the selector switch.Given the size of the Amazon marketplace, it isn’t surprising that some unscrupulous sellers slip through the cracks. If one of those licensed folks, purchased one of those, the resulting gun, once registered on a Form 2 would be perfectly legal. Full auto guns, Glocks included are a dime a dozen there since you can LEGALLY put together a full auto MP5 knock off for $2000 or an M16/M4 for about $700 if you have a Class 2 SOT. 11:35. Just replacing the backplate. A Glock 18 going full auto, some 298 rounds in just over a minute. It looks like a seller on Amazon is selling something that appears to be an illegal full auto conversion sear currently. Requires basic tooling to finish. I understand you can have M16 parts without an M16, as long as you don't have an AR15, but this is something explicitly designed to convert a semi-automatic pistol into a Machine-Gun. Glock ‘KIT’ 80% *No Sales to Washington State* ALL SALES ARE SUBJECT TO THE TERMS & CONDITIONS. Once unit is complete. This is a much more cost efficient way to own a full auto glock. It is a very well made handgun that packs a lot of firepower (17 rounds of 9mm in standard mag). PLEASE: ask ANY and ALL questions you have before you place an order! This is a much more cost efficient way to own a full auto glock. Kit comes with instructions and the form needed to file. Now unfortunately the G18 is pretty rare in this country. *** You must be A SOT manufacturer and file a form 2 *** 2003 – Charles Gossett – Call or Text: 541-279-5510 Support@survivalops.com80% drop in auto kits. The Glock Conversion Kits are 100% legal to own. Please choose a different combination.Requires basic tooling to finish. The kits are made of 41/40 steel.

*** BEFORE Finishing and installing these parts ***, est.

Royal Range USA 303,617 views. Kit comes with instructions and the form needed to file. In other words, it can go either 'pew' or 'pew-pew-pew' with a choice of a switch. Nothing that I saw on the seller’s page indicated they are affiliated with Amazon beyond having a presence on the e-commerce giant’s marketplace.Sure, there are 80% selector kits out there for type 07 FFLs that have a SOT to produce their own selector switch, but buying a completed switch requires that you be a FFL with a SOT and a law enforcement demo letter. … I guess if you want to make your Glock full auto and didn’t know any better, it might be kind of hard to resist adding the $68 part to your cart and clicking that check out button.

Full Auto GLOCK 17 GEN5!!! This bad boy is a redesigned G17 that was set up with a selector switch to move between single shots and full-auto. Charles Gossett 541-232-9804 This switch seems to be a completed unit that appears to not require a FFL, isn’t serialized and doesn’t appear to follow any US law in regards to select fire parts. I was meandering round the internet (scary I know) and stumbled across this Glock full-auto conversion that is supposedly 100% legal provided you don't have it with a Glock pistol. Some people want a Glock 17 full auto conversion kit or an easy way to modify their Glock 17 to operate in fully automatic mode. It looks like a seller on Amazon is selling something that appears to be an illegal full auto conversion sear currently.

It is not illegal for individuals to own these parts in current form. Just replacing the backplate. The reality is that for most people, full auto is more of a novelty than it is an effective way to shoot a pistol. Do not need to modify firearm.