On the morning of Sunday, September 15, 1963, 14-year-old Collins was in the church basement room with a group of other children.Civil rights activist Medgar Evers served as the first state field secretary of the NAACP in Mississippi until his assassination in 1963.The bombing that killed Collins and her friends was a racially motivated hate crime. We’ve baked bread, planted vegetables, and made chalk obstacle courses—that I still am unable to get out of my kids’ clothes and our new sofa cushions, FYI. A fourth suspect, Herman Frank Cash, died in 1994, before he could be charged.Mae C. Jemison is the first African American female astronaut. This crime marked a turning point in the Civil Rights Movement. Our first read: The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix. With nowhere to go, I’ve relied heavily on full-body stretch workouts from my friend and trainer Michelle Kuhnreich to fit in whenever and wherever (like the bathroom floor while I supervise the kids). Personally, watching Jeremy graduate from medical school and witnessing him become the doctor he is today, I can attest toAfter spending three-plus months in isolation, when every day has felt largely the same, we are taking every opportunity to celebrate. Funeral Home Services for Genevieve are being provided by Goldfinch Funeral Services, Inc.. However, he was captured and became a victim of torture. It really doesn’t matter where I workout. She attended the 16th Street Baptist Church with her parents, Julius and Alice, as well as her six siblings. She was brutally beaten for helping to lead a 1965 civil rights march, which became known as Bloody Sunday and drew national attention to the Civil Rights Movement. Her defiance sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott.In 1977, a 73-year-old Chambliss was convicted of the murder of Collins and sentenced to life in prison. I’m also a traveler, book nerd, activist, actress, adventure seeker, and aspiring urban homesteader. Aston, PA—Sister Kathryn Miller, OSF (formerly Sister Lillian Francis), 98, died in Assisi House on December 3, 2019. In 2013, the United States Congress awarded each girl the Congressional Gold Medal.Rosa Parks was a civil rights activist who refused to surrender her seat to a white passenger on a segregated bus in Montgomery, Alabama. Addie Mae Collins was born in Birmingham, Alabama, on April 18, 1949. Three men responsible for Collins' murder were brought to justice between 1977 and 2002.Jimmie Lee Jackson was shot and killed by an Alabama state trooper in 1965; his death inspired a civil rights demonstration that led to the Voting Rights Act.Eugene "Bull" Connor was the Birmingham public safety commissioner whose ideologies and orders were in direct opposition to the Civil Rights Movement.Amelia Boynton Robinson was a civil rights pioneer who championed voting rights for African Americans. A California girl from birth and a mountain girl at heart. Sister Genevieve (Mary Gertruda) Pinion, 87, died July 16 at St. Dominic Villa in Wisconsin. She had been a professed member of the Sisters of St. Francis… Read More But I’m realizing that the only way to move forward in a meaningful way is to be willingMoving my body is something that’s really important to me, and I love to switch it up: running, yoga, classes, hikes. I just wanted to follow up with everyone about the N&G Book club that we officially launched this month! Join the N&G Bookclub to get info on how to RSVP xo – Gen   Hey Friends! I knew the change of scenery would do us (well, me) good. She attended the 16th Street Baptist Church with her parents, Julius and Alice, as well as her six siblings. Father’s Day is this weekend (! ), so I put together this Father’s Day gift guide because I’ve been looking for special ways to honor the men in my life, from my own husband to friends, uncles and grandpas. He works in freestanding emergency rooms throughout Texas, including in Corpus Christi, Austin, Round Rock, and Bryan. One of these was Collins' younger sister, Sarah, who lost an eye and sustained other serious injuries.The brutal abduction and murder of 14-year-old Emmett Till on August 28, 1955, galvanized the emerging civil rights movement. And I don’t know about you, but I’m not super enthusiastic about goingAfter three-and-a-half months of quarantining, I wanted to take advantage of the open road and try to find a new horizon for our family.