bastard. guacho m ( plural guachos, feminine guacha, feminine plural guachas ) orphan. wide, calf-length trousers for men or women modeled after … A word or phrase that is commonly used in conversational speech (e.g. Also called gaucho pants. 2. Really loose, flowing pants for girls that stop at the knees and look like skirts, but are really tight in the ass, so you can see the individual cheeks. 1 gaucho; gaucho-like.

3. ir a gachas familiar : to go on all fours. "Those gauchos you have on reveal your ass-crack. Can also be used towards a person who is just rude. " Usually made of a poly / spandex blend. Find more Spanish words at! Question 1 of 7. a granular metamorphic rock. -¡Ese sí que eh' un hombre gaucho! a hobble or fetter for a horse or other animal. Siento gacho porque me … A soupy rice … English words for gacho include droopy and drooping. Noun. (Mexico, slang) a soldier. skinny, grandma).

1. : drooping, turned downward. a native cowboy of the South American pampas, usually of mixed Spanish and Indian ancestry. English Translation of GACHO. Also called ule. gauchos. 2 (S. Cone) (servicial) helpful. Gaucho is the name given to the men who rode the Pampa, the plains of Argentina, Uruguay and parts of southern Brazil, earning their living on cattle farms.

(Mexico) a. awful. Mexico familiar : nasty, awful.

adjective. gacho is slang for extremely bad. You might wanna fix that." (colloquial) (terrible) Regionalism used in Mexico. a person who has retired to a solitary place for a life of religious seclusion.