Sort: Relevant Newest. Gary Walsh. Maybe I'm just getting too old or something (36).Please, Earwolf community, help me. Gary and Amy’s reactions when Selina said “as a woman” in an interview after saying she’d never use that phrase publicly 10. It's pretty mean spirited. Meanwhile, in the veep's office, Selina's major role in the liberation of U.S. hostages is recalled as Amy and Selina look through shots of officials monitoring the action, what is a nice, if obvious, call back to the famous photo of President Obama, Sec.

He is to Veep what Kenneth is to 30 Rock, what Hank … Clips from almost every scene with Selina and Gary together. Veep A look into American politics, revolving around former Senator Selina Meyer who finds being Vice President of the United States is nothing like she expected and everything everyone ever warned her about. Gary is probably the character most central to Veep other than the Veep herself. I just think the writing and performances in this show are really flat. On Sunday’s Veep, Selina’s long-suffering aide Gary stopped being polite and started getting really angry at his boss, resulting in a jaw-dropping confrontation that … Also, that one guy reminds me of Paul Scheer with a wig on.Interesting. You're just wrong on this one.It's pretty witty, but not a patch on the British political satire The Thick of It, which was written mainly by Iannucci (the lead writer of Veep, and In The Loop). I don't think it's in the upper leagues of current comedies, but it's good. Selina’s loyal bagman, Gary is good at giving Selina hand sanitizer, yoghurt and not much else. I know many wouldn’t agree with me on this one, but truly all of you should give this show a try and then form your opinion.I knew people with agree with me that Veep is a really funny show. leave, veep, tony hale, gary walsh, show myself out # leave # veep # tony hale # gary walsh # show myself out. I can't grasp how anyone thinks Veep is a funny show. Clinton and others nervously awaiting news from the … I don't mind mean spirited comedy, by the way. I'll go ahead and call asshole. Yet when Veep aired its series finale on May 12, after an absolutely packed seventh season, it did sound a note of hope — though it was less a gong and more a … Storyline maybe, but that is expected for almost all sitcom-y comedies.Veep is hilarious. I've watched both episodes so far this season and still have yet to even crack a smile. Thanks for chiming in though, I'm really trying to understand the appeal of this show. hbo, banana, broken, veep, selina meyer # hbo # banana # broken # veep … Search, discover and share your favorite Veep GIFs. I just started to watch and caught up this past weekend. veep 902 GIFs. Like the lipstick storyline in episode 1? Susie Essman is insanely funny on Curb and her whole character is pure mean. Sign in here.Iannucci is a politics nerd who knows American politics pretty damn well - I heard him say in an interview that he's read all three volumes of a Teddy Roosevelt biography and often has to tell the Americans on the show how the houses of American politics work - I think the problem is that Veep doesn't have the depth and richness of characters that The Thick Of It had. I did not experience predictability, not in the comedy at least. Gary Walsh. It's easy!I watched the first season and liked it. It's quick and witty. In “Veep,” the last episode … Gary discovers a chia seed in Selina’s teeth and flosses it out before her nomination acceptance speech. JLD's Selina is fantastically watchable at the centre (aka "center") of the whirlwind and Tony Hale is good at her side but none of the others feel grounded enough to let many of their jokes land. Now in its second season it’s even funnier, I guess anyone who hasn’t seen it yet should compulsorily catch this show.and probably a host of things related to comedy, if I'm being honest and making assumptionsNever seen it so I have no opinion... but I moved this to Off-Topic.It's a shame because with people like Gary Cole, Kevin Dunn and Matt Walsh around it should really kick more ass than it does. The Glasses The best GIFs are on GIPHY. Because I needed this in my life. Nothing of that entire thing struck me as funny, at all. Am I just an asshole? I can see why someone wouldn't like it though. I get the impression he doesn't have an intuitive enough understanding of American politics to pull off the same eviscerating feat.You need to be a member in order to leave a commentSign up for a new account in our community. Thank you.Already have an account? The writing leans so far towards joke-writing it leans away from character writing so they feel more like wit-delivery bots than human characters, which makes the jokes feel weightless.I think Veep is pretty funny and as a matter of fact, I feel Julia Louis Dreyfus is funnier on this show than she was on Seinfeld. Veep finale: Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Tony Hale break down that brutal Selina-Gary moment this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines.