The strategy in game theory is a com­plete specification of what a player will do under each circumstance in the playing of the game. A lot of “games” end up having similar properties or reoccurring patterns, but sometimes it is hard to understand a complicated game.The advice that sounds good for you might really be better for someone else. In economic terms, you are “best-responding” to other people’s actions in a purely individual and self-interested way.To illustrate this, we use the extremely famous example of the prisoner’s dilemma.The London Globalist is a student-run international affairs journal based at the LSE.The concept of Nash equilibrium allows us to understand why some society issues require particular forms of intervention if we want to reach desirable outcomes.

Game theory tries to explain how the duopoly problem cannot be determined. This insecurity in the minds of people does not allow them to trust others, and they end up in a losing situation.

On the other hand, if both confess and accuse the other to be a culprit, they’ll share the sentence of imprisonment, that will be lesser than the full term. Again, game theory is helpful in solving the problems of business, labor, and management. Similarly, on the global level too, if the nations can cooperate with each other, it will be a much better for the good of mankind.‘The prisoner’s dilemma’ is a byproduct of the ‘game theory’ developed by noted scientist John von Neumann. This is what the real world experiences. Some game theory scenarios are also zero-sum games, meaning that one decision-maker wins what another loses. This then leads everyone to consume performance-enhancing drugs, and any athlete who decides not to consume theses drugs would suffer from a major comparative disadvantage.This also applies to environmental policies regarding CO2 emissions. In this article, I will explain the notion of a Nash Equilibrium (named after the economist John Nash, 1928-2015) and illustrate its applications on real-world examples.Each of the burglars know the following:In sports, all professional athletes would be better off if no one used performance-enhancing drugs. The solution lies in either collusion or non-collusion. Be skeptical of the strategic implications.Poker is a great example because the other player’s choices influence your strategy. Real-World Examples of Game Theory. It is widely used in the macroeconomic analysis of broad-based economic policies such as monetary or tax policy, in finance to analyze stock markets, to study interest and exchange rates and other prices.

However will this outcome be attained as predicted by classical theory?-If the other burglar did not confess, your self-interest is to confess, to get 0 instead of 1 year of prison.Imagine two burglars who are being accused of robbery by the police. They can be handled with the help of the mathematical theory of games. Problems of linear programming and activity analysis can provide the main basis for economic application of the theory of games.But advertising budgets are assigned in both the firms so that they do not lose market share to the competitor (spending on advertising is a good strategy for both irrespective of the decision taken by the competitor).2.

You can think of it as the study of strategic decision making.4. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website.There are two firms, X and Y, in the market who have formed a cartel.