New Fiat Powertrain Technologies of North America, Inc. established as an independent powertrain business CAROL STREAM, IL (August, 2007) - The company formerly named Iveco Motors of North America, Inc., proudly announces its new brand name, Fiat Powertrain Technologies of North America (hereinafter referred to as FPT NA), effective immediately. Fiat Powertrain Technologies FPT Marine Engines for Commercial and Pleasure Craft Applications. Deberá modificar sus ajustes sobre cookies en cualquier momento.Wir benutzen Cookies (eigene und von Dritten), um gröÃere Funktionsvielfalt liefern zu können und Ihr Erlebnis unserer Webseite zu verbessern.
FPT – Fiat Powertrain Technologies is the Fiat Group company specialized in research, development, production and sales of engines and transmissions. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Wir benutzen Cookies (eigene und von Dritten), um größere Funktionsvielfalt liefern zu können und Ihr Erlebnis unserer Webseite zu verbessern. Sie können Ihre Cookie-Einstellungen jederzeit ändern.Nous utilisons des cookies (propres et tiers) afin dâoffrir des fonctionnalités supérieures et dâaméliorer votre expérience sur notre site. High power & torque densityLow fuel consumption and emissions. Se continuar sua visita no site sem alterar suas configurações, assumiremos que você concorda em receber todos os cookies neste site. Up to 650 kWFPT - Fiat Powertrain Technologies is a part the Fiat Group which includes powertrains and transmissions, Fiat Automobiles (Fiat Powertrain) Iveco (Iveco Motors) Centro Ricerche Fiat and Elasis CASE New Holland.Find out more about our extensive spare parts portfolio.With an annual output of approximately 3.1 million engines FPT is one of the largest diesel engine manufacturers worldwide and offers high quality engines at competitive prices.Find out more about our engine and auxiliary services.18-liter performance in a 13-liter packageBest-in-class power and torque density
If you continue your visit on the website without changing your settings, we'll assume that you agree to receive all cookies on this website. à possibile modificare le impostazioni sui cookie in ogni momento.Utilizamos cookies (propias y de terceros) para ofrecer una funcionalidad superior y mejorar su experiencia en nuestros sitios web. FPT - Fiat Powertrain Technologies is a part the Fiat Group which includes powertrains and transmissions, Fiat Automobiles (Fiat Powertrain) Iveco (Iveco Motors) Centro Ricerche Fiat and Elasis CASE New Holland. Wenn Sie unsere Webseite weiterhin besuchen, ohne Ihre Einstellungen zu ändern, nehmen wir an, dass Sie einverstanden sind, auf dieser Webseite alle Cookies zu erhalten. Browse All of Our Products by Category, Engine Manufacturer, or Part Manufacturer Wenn Sie unsere Webseite weiterhi In early 2005, a new Components and Production systems sector was created within the Fiat SpA group which includes Fiat Powertrain Technologies , Magnetic Marelli, Teksid, and Comau. Vous pouvez modifier vos paramètres de cookies à tout moment.We use cookies (own and third parties) to deliver superior functionality and to enhance your experience of our websites. Utilizamos cookies (próprios e de terceiros) para oferecer funcionalidade superior e para melhorar a sua experiência de nossos sites. You should change your cookie settings at any time. Fiat Powertrain Technologies of North America, Inc. was founded in 2006. Você deve alterar suas configurações de cookie a qualquer momento.Questo sito utilizza cookie (propri e di terze parti) per offrire migliori funzionalità e ottimizzare lâesperienza dellâutente. FPT includes all of the powertrain activities of Fiat Auto (Fiat Powertrain), Iveco (Iveco Motors), the Fiat …