If you receive a suspicious email regarding Square, don’t reply to the message, click the links, or open any attachments. What people are saying about the scam... Posted in 2017 Tagged Abkhazia. Anonymous posts cannot be edited or deleted. I did go to the square up.com receipts but it was not helpful. THIS ALL WRONG I DONT KNOW WHO YOU ARE… THIS IS WRONG. The fake email below is just one of the many Square Up email scams being sent by online scammers to their potential victims. Map Square Receipt.

At present I am not in the mood to get a new CC in case of fraud, so I will just not pay that particular change which was small until I get more information.Cannot retrieve a receipt from this website! Merchant (Nicolette Banister) sent a receipt from Squareup, and there is no way to get a receipt. There are no comments as yet, please leave one below or revisit.To help protect your privacy, please do not post or remove, your full name, telephone number, email address, username, password, account number, credit card information, home address or other sensitive information in or from your comments, questions, or reviews. Parking Receipt. I did so and promptly received an email receipt plus a follow up email.I just can’t tell you how much I LOVE a good company in “startup” phase when customer service is outstanding. Plus I have no clue who I made a any order from.On Friday, January 25, 2019. 5. Firstly, our receipt template has been designed and tweaked by expert user experience designers and graphic designers. Square price: Free for point of sale payment processing and invoicing Payment processing fees: 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction for credit/debit card payments made on invoices. She doesn’t, she pays them all.I presume this is how the credit card fraud proves so lucrative to those who perpetrate those crimes.My friend has not had contact with me for many years now, despite me trying. No, I am not saying his credit card usage and disregard for receipts was at fault, but maybe it was an indicator of how he handled money and business in general?I have no gripe against Square, I love what they are doing to break the stranglehold that banks have had on small business. It was my husband card, not mine.DC settlement for $100.00 even on 08/17/2019 “Texans Medi” location is your phone number. I send these to Square at spoof@squareup.com. He declined a receipt.Gee, how does the gal paying his bills know whether or not each charge is valid? Fake ATM Receipt. Fine, I have no beef with that. Taxi Logo Receipt. One previously made script is shown below. I made the purchase at 8:47 this morning and the receipt was immediately emailed to me in the form of a link to a Square page.