Enbridge Line 5 is a major oil pipeline in the Enbridge Lakehead System, which conveys petroleum from western Canada to eastern Canada via the Great Lakes states. She also calls Enbridge's response to the spill "anemic. Approximately $3 million of the fines came after Enbridge “failed to excavate and repair or mitigate shallow dents with indications of metal loss, cracking, or stress risers” along its Lakehead System across northern Minnesota and Wisconsin, according to a May 8 letter sent to Enbridge by Matthew Russo, assistant region council for the EPA office in Chicago.The $6.7 million total was agreed upon by the EPA and Enbridge last month as a settlement to alleged violations of a consent decree it signed with the U.S. Department of Justice in 2017 after the company’s Line 6B pipeline spilled more than 800,000 gallons of oil into Michigan’s Kalamazoo River in 2010.The Environmental Protection Agency has fined Enbridge Energy $6.7 million after it said the company “failed” to fix dents in pipelines and had numerous delays reporting issues along its mainline route of oil pipelines to the federal agency.GET BREAKING NEWS IN YOUR BROWSER. Line 1 stretches from Edmonton to Superior and carries 237,000 barrels, or 9.95 million gallons, of oil per day. "We just want to go home," they told the Enquirer.Despite cold temperatures freezing the surface of the Kalamazoo River, crews still are at work cleaning the river. The pipeline carries about 8 million gallons of oil per day from Griffith, Indiana, to Sarnia, Ontario. Paul Makoski, environmental health manager for the Calhoun County Public Health Department, said there's only a "slight risk" the oil will contaminate the groundwater — and it's dependent on how thoroughly crews are able to remove subsurface oil and oil in the marshlands.After a two-year closure as a result of the spill, the Kalamazoo River reopens to the public. The report also stated that the EPA "has identified pockets of submerged oil in three areas covering approximately 200 acres that require cleanup." The biggest news of the stretch, though, was the $400 million number the company filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.Twelve days after the spill, crews continue work to crawl through acres of black sludge and oil-soaked mud to get to the rupture point close to Talmadge Creek. At this point, there's still confusion — and frustration — from many looking for answers from Enbridge.Gloria Volstromer files a lawsuit against Enbridge. This page was last edited on 15 January 2020, at 14:37. The east line… Line 5 is particularly notable for passing under the environmentally sensitive Straits of Mackinac, which connect Lake Michigan to Lake Huron.As of December 2013, the line carries 540,000 barrels (86,000 m 3) of oil per day. On July 30, Focus Wildlife leads reporters and photographers through their not-yet-completed animal care center to demonstrate what's being done for Canada geese, muskrats, turtles and others.Gov.

More boats will be on the river and driving to access points to continue the cleanup effort.More than 50 residents sek financial relief from Enbridge's storefront center in Battle Creek, and 100 others contemplate suing the company at a meeting with lawyers in Marshall. As of Nov. 29, workers had removed about 13 million gallons of oil-and-water mixture from the creek and river, and plans to continue the cleanup process are unwavering.SEC filings reveal that an EPA order will cost Enbridge $175 million, pushing the cleanup total to close to $1 billion.Damage from the spill — as well as heavy rains complicating the cleanup process — leave many to ponder how long it might take to complete the process.Calhoun County Health Department officials go door to door asking residents to leave their homes and bring their pets to shelters after the department issued a voluntary evacuation and a water advisory. Nearly 80 miles of shoreline were analyzed with poles dipped to the river's bottom to check for oil that sank below the surface.A distinct oil sheen is visible floating downstream in the Kalamazoo River — and the ensuing weeks would bring difficulties for the people and wildlife living along or near the river.Others such as Lynn and Sue Burgett fled their home on A Drive North after it was found to be one of 61 where benzene levels were determined to be too high.

Nevertheless, an EPA order lengthened the cleanup of a 40-mile stretch of the Kalamazoo River.The Michigan Public Service Commission gives Enbridge the final OK to build a massive oil pipeline across Michigan to replace the one that burst.The impact of the oil spill is expected to be far-reaching. This is not the first time Line 5 has sustained damage in recent years. The documents reveal that pipeline watchers in Edmonton, Alberta, struggled with how to respond as oil gushed into Talmadge Creek and the Kalamazoo River.A group of Ceresco citizens petitioned to save the Ceresco dam after Enbridge purchased it in September of 2013. Replacing Line 3, a 1960s-era branch of Enbridge’s Mainline network, would allow the company to boost flow from a Canadian oil hub in Edmonton, Alberta, to Midwest refiners. News of the damage comes a day after Enbridge announced a settlement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that includes $6.7 million in fines for failing to quickly address pipeline safety issues within its Lakehead Pipeline System, which includes Line 5 and other Midwest pipelines.. The Environmental Protection Agency would later report that more than 1.2 million gallons of tar sand oil was recovered from river.Officials say the leak has been contained, but the cause of the spill could take up to 18 months to find and even longer to clean up.