RECORDS ACCESS OFFICER FOR THE BRIDGEWATER POLICE DEPARTMENT. ADDRESS:                220 Pleasant St.,  Bridgewater,  MA 02324The following person has been designated as the Records Access Officer for the Bridgewater Police Department pursuant to the Public Records Law. Listen to the police/fire scanner in your Wicked Local community. East Bridgewater Police and Fire Departments Remind Residents that Use of Fireworks is Illegal in Massachusetts . Detectives receive advanced training in such topics as Arson Investigation, Narcotics, Computer Crimes, Sexual Assault Investigation, Domestic Violence, and Homicide, etc. East Bridgewater Police is a part of the WEB Major Crimes and Drug Task Force, which is a multi-jurisdictional task force comprised of investigators from the towns of West Bridgewater, East Bridgewater, Bridgewater, Whitman and the Bridgewater State University Police Departments. Sergeant Michael Jenkins oversees the Investigative Division. Police Chief Paul O’Brien and Fire Chief Timothy Harhen report that the East Bridgewater Police and Fire Departments responded to a serious crash between a motorcycle and a Jeep earlier this morning. Public Records may be made in-person, via telephone, mail or electronic mail.TITLE:                          Administrative ClerkNAME:                        Ann Marie GillChief Christopher D. Delmonte is pleased to announce that the Bridgewater Police Department is accepting applications from qualified residents to fill two full-time Police Cadet positions.

All Public Records requests should be directed to this person using the contact information provided below. East Bridgewater Police and Fire Departments Respond to Serious Crash Involving Motorcycle and Jeep; East Bridgewater Police and Fire Departments Remind Residents that Use of Fireworks is Illegal … EAST BRIDGEWATER — As the Fourth of July and summer celebrations approach, … 11:55 a.m.: Identity theft was reported on Michael Road. Featured Post East Bridgewater Police and Fire Departments … Detectives use traditional investigative skills i.e. Detective David Perrault and Detective Ryan Cramer are assigned to the Investigative Division and have attended numerous specialized training programs to enhance their investigative skills. 6:15 p.m.: A disturbance was reported on Laurel Street. The following are excerpts from the Bridgewater Police log for Tuesday, June 9 to Monday, June 15. 268 Bedford St. East Bridgewater, MA 02333. Business Phone: 508-378-2071 Fax: 508-378-1627. Recent Posts. Public Records may be made in-person, via telephone, mail or electronic …

Police Chief Paul O’Brien and Fire Chief Timothy Harhen report that the East Bridgewater Police and Fire Departments responded to a serious crash between a motorcycle and a Jeep earlier this morning. 1:58 p.m.: Identity theft was reported on Cobblestone Lane. Tuesday, June 9.

Timothy M. Harhen Chief of Department. To contact a Detective please call (508) 378-1641. East Bridgewater police said they assisted in the execution of the federal search warrant at Sartwell's Plymouth Street residence. leg work, collection of physical evidence and interview and interrogation skills combined with the latest computer technology to work a case.East Bridgewater Police is a part of the WEB Major Crimes and Drug Task Force, which is a multi-jurisdictional task force comprised of investigators from the towns of West Bridgewater, East Bridgewater, Bridgewater, Whitman and the Bridgewater State University Police Departments.The East Bridgewater Police Investigative Division is responsible for the investigation and follow up of all major crimes occurring in the town.Police Chief Paul O’Brien and Fire Chief Timothy Harhen report that the East Bridgewater Police and Fire Departments responded to a serious crash between a motorcycle and a Jeep earlier this morning.To contact a Detective please call (508) 378-1641. Bridgewater Police Arrest and Charge East Bridgewater Man Who Pulled Gun on Man During Face Mask Argument July 8, 2020 by Benjamin Paulin BRIDGEWATER — Chief Christopher D. Delmonte reports that the Bridgewater Police Department arrested an East Bridgewater man after he allegedly pulled a gun on another man during an argument over the victim not wearing a face mask … Always Dial 911 for Emergencies All Public Records requests should be directed to this person using the contact information provided below. The following person has been designated as the Records Access Officer for the Bridgewater Police Department pursuant to the Public Records Law. 12:34 p.m.: Identity theft was reported on Broad Street.