Another example could be in Puppy Unplugged, in which Kitty rudely blows a raspberry at Dudley.Sometimes, Kitty's eyes would magically turn a bright red whenever she would get extremely mad.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. Although he is still just a pup, Dudley's got the heart of a pack of full-grown dogs.
Kitty shows her cat-instincts whenever she sees cat goodies and tends to purr and flirtatiously wag her tail when seen showing affection.Despite being more mature, Kitty can also be as childish and silly as Dudley at times. Snaptrap is actually the most dangerous enemy for T.U.F.F. despite his personality. Although he is still just a puppy, Dudley has the heart of a pack of full-grown dogs. The animation is actually well done. are various personnel that appear as background characters whether as agents, office workers, and/or scientists. voiced by Jerry Trainor and 4 others. Reared on his cousin's strict morals, he was born to stop all badness and meanness in its tracks! As of now, they seem to share a light, friendly relationship.The Chief has only one loose end that he can't seem to tie up: his reckless new recruit, Dudley. Kitty has a long, tan tail, and like most cats, has sharp, retractable claws and whiskers, but the whiskers have only been seen in Doom-Mates.Dudley often aggravates Kitty with his foolishness and when he constantly chews his butt (also when he'd say the word "exactly," as revealed in Diary of a Mad Cat), but she still considers him to be a worthwhile partner and a good friend. 's number one agent and the deuteragonist of the Nickelodeon animated series titled T.U.F.F. Puppy. As of now, they seem to share a light, friendly relationship.The Chief has only one loose end that he can't seem to tie up: his reckless new recruit, Dudley. Dudley seems to have a great dislike towards him that exceeds his dislike towards his other enemies.When Dudley was hired by T.U.F.F. But despite his frustration towards him, The Chief is actually hopeful of his abilities. He supposedly has no fear and hates wearing pants, despite that he wears them in some episodes.
Images of the Dudley Puppy voice actors from the TUFF Puppy franchise. voiced by Jeff Bennett and 3 others. Irony as She Is Cast: In "'Til Doom Do Us Part" it's revealed Kitty has a terrible singing voice, unlike her voice actor. despite his personality. almost always had the advantage before Dudley joined T.U.F.F. Voiced most times by Jerry Trainor. But due to Dudley's open attitude towards his fellow agents, as time passed, Keswick learned to tolerate him and his immature ways and they got along. Keswick was also open to make best friends with Dudley. So when Dudley became a T.U.F.F. voiced by Grey DeLisle-Griffin and 3 others. The original title of …
Jerry Trainor. is an organization that protects Petropolis from crime.Also in T.U.F.F. Dudley Puppy himself is pretty funny. But despite his frustration towards him, The Chief is actually hopeful of his abilities. Dudley is also quite gluttonous and childish. Puppy Cast. Images of the voice actors who play the voice of Dudley Puppy in Nicktoons MLB (Video Game)