Supple straight-tail worms head the list, including the Roboworms that Aaron Martens and Brent Ehrler dote on and the Havoc Bottom Hopper that Justin Lucas favors. “It’s like slamming on the brakes.”It’s not uncommon for 15 minutes to pass between casts when Martens deadsticks a drop shot rig. source. No problem. It’s hard to keep the minnows alive in the warmer summer temperatures, so most anglers will target largemouth with this technique in the spring and fall.Some crayfish baits actually look really good on a drop shot rig. Sensitivity also aids in detecting bites, because it can be very tricky deciphering what is a bream, a bass, or simply a weed!
Occasionally pause the rig and shake it without moving the sinker. I combine this with a Daiwa SS1300 spinning reel.
I've found that horizontal dragging a drop-shot rig is very effective on smallmouth in Dale Hollow and Center Hill lakes, the Tennessee impoundments where I often fish.Another horizontal drop-shot technique is to allow your line to go slack after moving the rig forward and jiggling the bait on this slack line for a few seconds. No discussion of illegal activity. Does the rig pull free? Strike King Dream Shot. Don’t worry about the bass dropping the worm before you set the hook. Or sometimes, a bass bite won’t even register. After the weight touches down, Martens lets the bait free-fall to the bottom. These baits look great on a drop shot rig and you will definitely catch quality bass by using this technique.The drop shot rig works real well for catching largemouth bass. These have a large hook circumference, and they provide the best action and natural presentation of your bait. This is how. Set the hook! As this is done, observe what happens. Give it a few seconds on the pause because most of your bites are going to come on the pause.Ultimate Fishing Site is the largest fishing tips and tourism website on the net. You can fish them slowly around all types of cover and expect to catch some quality fish.From late spring through early fall, the drop shot rig and lively nightcrawler is one of the best ways to put large numbers of largemouth bass in the boat.Paddle tail worms work well on a drop shot rig. 1. Set up your rig so the bait is "up your line" far enough to suspend it just below the mat when your sinker rests on the bottom. The bass were suspended 50 feet deep below schools of baitfish where the bottom was 80 to 90 feet deep. I learned the hard way that if you skip this, the line on your reel will twist badly and begin tangling around the rod tip any chance it gets. He has since used it to pluck bass from docks across the country.“The bass are spread out, so you want to fish that broad depth range down the whole gut,” Ehrler says. In either event, if you make the wrong hook set, you stand a 50/50 chance of losing a fish.A different approach is to drop your bait to the bottom. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be drop shotting them though. “I would see the bass on my graph and let the drop shot sink straight down.”After casting upstream, VanDam let the current usher his drop shot rig downstream. I may go lighter with shallower depths and sparser weeds, or sometimes if I’m using a finesse type worm.Drop shotting has been around for several years now and is often associated with fishing areas of rock, gravel, and sand for smallmouth and spotted bass.