By Sandy. Repeat this process as many times as needed to blend the patch.Sand the wood by hand with 150-grit sandpaper, going with the grain. I sprayed Pledge and cleaned, but it is still there. Question: Removing Cup Ring from Wood Furniture? Although … how to remove stains and water marks from teak ... - YouTube It left a round circle. Answers. Chris Deziel has a bachelor's degree in physics and a master's degree in humanities. I just started drinking hot tea; while the saucer was on top of the cup (tea steeping), the condensation made a white ring on my wood table. This stain is not permanent and can be easily cleaned up. Dip a clean rag into a paste furniture wax or wood polish. Continue to rub, moistening the cloth if necessary, for 5 to 10 minutes or until the white ring has completely disappeared.Heat rings, those hazy white rings that sometimes appear on finished wood tables, are caused by moisture condensation trapped beneath the finish. As a landscape builder, he helped establish two gardening companies.Mix a saturated solution of oxalic acid crystals and water in a bowl. Her published articles have appeared in various print and online publications. Heat rings, those hazy white rings that sometimes appear on finished wood tables, are caused by moisture condensation trapped beneath the finish. Neutralize the wood with a solution made by mixing a pint of water and one heaping tablespoon of baking soda. Sand the lacquer lightly with 320-grit sandpaper when it dries, then spray another coat. Previously, she owned her own business, selling handmade items online, wholesale and at crafts fairs. Thank you for the wonderful tip! Keep working the finish until the rings disappear. Can someone please help me remove this stain? I used the iron method and it magically disappeared! However, if the water mark is not too old and still whitish in color, then bust out the hair dryer , white vinegar , mayonnaise , or any of the other easy DIY techniques below for restoring your table surface. Stain the wood as needed to make it match the rest of the table top by wiping the stain on with a rag.Polish the entire table top with furniture polish and a rag when the final coat of lacquer has dried, which takes about two to three hours.Sand the area around the rings down to the bare wood with a palm sander and 120-grit sandpaper. Wearing rubber gloves, spread the solution over the stained wood and leave it for a few hours. Let the wood dry completely.Let the stain dry, then spray on a thin coat of lacquer with a sheen that matches that of the existing finish. When a glass is set down on a marble table, condensation can drip down the outside of the glass and create a pool of water. Wipe the excess wax off with a dry rag.Place a pea-sized amount of mildly abrasive appliance polish on a dampened rag. If the ring is white, you may be able to make it disappear by using one of a number of household remedies. By Sandy [23 Posts, 21 Comments] September 28, 2011.