In North American society bruising is considered an injury.

'Cup-marks' are simple, roughly hemispherical depressions of about 2-10 cm diameter and up to 3 cm depth on the surface of many megaliths and on a number of separate 'cup-marked stones'. Often found in eye-popping elevated locations, the carvings were made by Neolithic and Early Bronze Age people between 3500 and 6000 years ago.
They were probably carved sometime between 3500 and 2500 BC. Ballochmyle Cup and Ring Marks, Mauchline: Address, Ballochmyle Cup and Ring Marks Review: 5/5 Ballygowan, on a higher slope, presents some of the most simple art in the area. The art is mostly abstract – there are no animal or human figures, and few indicators of function or meaning.We know very little about Neolithic and Bronze Age settlement around Kilmartin Glen, or about how and why these rock-art sites were used. It is proposed that the initial phase relates to the symbolic portrayal of the ideological beliefs which constituted the ‘Neolithic’ (c. 4000–3200 BC) by mapping them on the landscape via outcropping bedrock. Email your librarian or administrator to recommend adding this journal to your organisation's collection.Full text views reflects the number of PDF downloads, PDFs sent to Google Drive, Dropbox and Kindle and HTML full text views.Abstract views reflect the number of visits to the article landing page.

The surviving rock art along the glen is remarkable for the number of elaborately carved outcrops, the style of and extent of the carvings, and their close association with other prehistoric monuments.

Cup and ring marks are a form of prehistoric art found widely through out the world. Attractions > Cup and Ring Marks, Simonside Hills, Northumberland Holiday cottages and accommodation Northumberland A fine selection of holiday cottages, hotels, B&Bs, inns, lodges, Travelodges, Premier Inns etc across Northumberland offering access to Northumberland National Park and Northumberland Coast AONB.

Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. Get those white marks—caused by hot cups or sweating glasses—off your coffee table or other wooden furniture by making a paste of 1 tablespoon baking soda and 1 … A cupmark surrounded by a circular channel ("cup and ring mark"), these occur with single or multiple rings. NM 82226 02688 There are at least three groups of cup and ring marks within an area of c 10m by 10m. Bruising is caused by impact trauma with compressed breakage of capillaries and a reactionary rush of fluids to the damaged location from the tissue injury. Up to 65 carved symbols, including c. 33 cupmarks, 16 cup-and-ring marks, six cup-and-ring marks with double rings, eight oval/elongated cupmarks or grooves and at least two radials, were recorded within the trench, largely concentrated on the flat top of the outcrop (see photos).
SC045925A rich prehistoric landscape survives in Kilmartin Glen, providing a tantalising insight into its prehistoric population. The carvings at Ballygowan do not overlap or overlie each other, which suggests they were executed during the same period.© Historic Environment Scotland - Scottish Charity No. These different sites may have been intended for different audiences.Get free entry to Scotland’s top visitor attractions with an Explorer Pass valid for 5 or 14 consecutive days.Browse images on our online learning resourceDetailed information on our online catalogue of Scotland's heritageUse one of our fantastic locations on your next shoot for an awe-inspiring backdrop to your work. No need to register, buy now! No other place in Scotland has such a concentration of prehistoric carved stone surfaces, and Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments.Discover more on the go – the Historic Scotland app lets you find out about Scotland’s most iconic places wherever you are.Other carved rock outcrops around Kilmartin Glen include:Complex rock art sites tend to lie closer to the valley floor, while simpler carvings are found on high ground. By the third phase (c. 2000–1800 BC) a disjuncture is apparent in both the function and meaning of the cup and ring tradition culminating in its expropriation as human control of the natural world becomes more fixed.Usage data cannot currently be displayed.

Complex designs involving cups, cups and rings, with grooved channels linking or enclosing parts of the design. During the second phase (c. 3200–2000 BC) the significance of this symbolism is thought to be appropriated, as it is reworked into ‘man-made’ megalithic constructions which ‘monumentalize’ the landscape under the aegis of increasingly overt human control. Site identified during a field survey carried out by GUARD in 2003. Cup-marks often appear in groups which can consist of more than one hundred marks on a single stone. Ballygowan, on a higher slope, presents some of the most simple art in the area.