Increase herbicide rate within the labeled rate range as the season progresses and plants become more mature.
0000003912 00000 n Jump To: Benefits Crops Technical Specifications Resources Controlled diseases.
0000001895 00000 n Controlled diseases. A selective systemic post-emergent emulsifiable concentrate herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grasses in broadleaf crops as indicated as well as a sugar cane ripener. 0000006093 00000 n 0000009276 00000 n All rights reserved. 0000004362 00000 n DuraCor™ herbicide is expected to be labeled for control of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and brush. Herbicide by allowing maximum foliar uptake and contact activity. Corteva Agriscience offers a diverse portfolio of herbicides with product solutions for nearly every challenge you face. Aproach can be tank-mixed with a number of herbicides and insecticides. legumes, potatoes and carrots.- Chop and incorporate all treated plant remains in the early autumn (or as soon as possible after harvest) to release any residues into the soil, where they are more quickly broken down.Controls competitive weed species including Cleavers, Mayweed and ThistlesIn a normal crop rotation there are no following crop restrictions (please, check the label for the further information).Both Active Ingredients are safe to the crop when used according to the label recommendations and can be applied in a range of different temperatures.1l/ha dose rate meaning a pack treats 5ha. Sortan™ IS Corn Herbicide Helps Growers Maximize Yield Sortan™ IS corn herbicide helps growers maximize their yield by removing early season weed competition, including volunteer Roundup Ready® canola and wild buckwheat.
Just GO. The herbicide option for Clearfield® canola in the Peace Country.Herbicide Early-season weed control in GT and IP soybeans just got easier.Herbicide Accent™ has all you need in grassy weed control in corn: excellent control, crop safety, wide window of application and re-cropping flexibility.Herbicide Use Broadstrike™ RC in conventional, conservation tillage or no-till corn and soybean production systems to control a wide range of broadleaf weeds.Herbicide Belkar contains Arylex™ active, a new active ingredient for oilseed rape, together with the well-established active ingredient picloram. <> Skip Navigation. Korvetto ® is a selective post-emergence spring applied herbicide for use on winter oilseed rape. Whether you’re protecting conventional or glyphosate-tolerant corn hybrids, DuPont ™ Steadfast ® Q herbicide delivers effective postemergence contact plus residual weed control. Attain™ XC provides extra-concentrated excellence on 40 of today’s toughest broadleaf weeds in all soil zones in western Canada.Herbicide 0000005550 00000 n It is highly effective against key weeds such as cleavers, cranesbill, fumitory, poppies and shepherd’s purse. Herbicide GROUP 2 HERBICIDE FOR SALE FOR USE IN EASTERN CANADA ONLY. Freestyle controls many grasses and broadleaf weeds and integrates easily with your soybean production system.
Whether you’re protecting conventional or glyphosate-tolerant corn hybrids, DuPont ™ Steadfast ® Q herbicide delivers effective postemergence contact plus residual weed control. 0000060602 00000 n United States. Please check the Aproach label for complete information and guidelines for mixing and application. 0000007984 00000 n
Korvetto ® is a selective post-emergence spring applied herbicide for use on winter oilseed rape. 33619 PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS ACT NET … Leystar is a selective herbicide for use in new sown leys, grass for seed and maize. So much for those so-called “tough” weeds.Destra™ IS is a post-emergence herbicide that gives growers an effective tool to control weeds in corn while managing herbicide resistance. Aproach can be tank-mixed with a number of herbicides and insecticides. Herbicide
0000007344 00000 n For best results, ensure thorough spray coverage of target weeds. 0000002753 00000 n Label Weed Spectrum Key: S – Susceptible, MS - Moderately Susceptible, MR - Moderately ResistantProduct Registration Number - 19111Active Ingredients - 120g/l Clopyralid + 5g/l ArylexMaximum Individual Dose – 1L/haBuffer Zone - 14m (within 1 m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application)Copyright © #year Corteva. 0000003030 00000 n 0000001938 00000 n Use Sites. 0000002701 00000 n 0000005063 00000 n
We have product solutions that yield results.Offering farmers a wide range of innovative solutions for effective weed control, resistance management and more.