A coastal city, the county seat of Nueces County, Texas. Ne permittas me separari a te. From German Corpus (“ 10-point type ”), from its use in editions of the Corpus Juris.. Noun []. This symbolised the unity of the sacred and secular powers, and linked both in victory over outsiders.The host is displayed on a 'monstrance' and protected from the sun by a canopy....the devout participation of the faithful in the eucharistic procession on the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ is a grace from the Lord which yearly fills with joy those who take part in it.The structure of the procession is often designed to demonstrate the hierarchy of heaven in that the sacred host is followed in procession by various Church organisations carrying the banners of their patron saints.Since, for Catholics, the host contains the real presence of Christ, it is treated as Christ in human form would be treated, with reverence, ceremony and adoration.Many Spanish celebrations of this feast featured choreographed performances that were militaristic in nature. 15 American gold -- again, the "first gold that came from the Indies" -- was also formed into a cross displayed in processions in Seville.The festival took an additional meaning in Spain, since it was always attended by the secular rulers of the area.
Sanguis Christi, inebria me.
They meant by this that when Christians celebrated the festival they affirmed their belief in the doctrine of transubstantiation, and thus the victory of the Church over those heretics who denied that the consecrated wafer became the real body of Christ during the Mass.There are Corpus Christi colleges at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and a major city of that name in Texas.Corpus Christi was made an obligatory feast for Roman Catholics by Pope Clement V in 1311 at the Council of Vienne.In such countries the festival is popular and elaborate. Corpus Christi definition: a festival in honour of the Eucharist , observed on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Find more Latin words at wordhippo.com! Proper noun . In Seville the festival was known as 'the Thursday that shines greater than the sun'.The procession moves through local streets, either to another church, or back to the church where it began.The Spanish Corpus Christi festival explicitly linked the state's political and military victories with divine triumphs; divine will and royal will were inextricably intertwined.
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Aqua lateris Christi, lava me. Because the "defence" of Catholic Christianity legitimised offensive or "conquest" activity, the triumph of the Corpus Christi was understood as the triumph of those who celebrated Corpus Christi.Juliana shared this with her local bishop, who in 1246 issued a decree for such a festival to be celebrated in his territory.Aquinas also wrote a powerful prayer for the festival, that encompasses many aspects of the doctrine of the Eucharist:The main feature of Corpus Christi celebrations is the triumphant liturgical procession in which the sacred host (the wafer that has been consecrated during the Mass) is carried out of the Church "for the Christian faithful to make public profession of faith and worship of the Most Blessed Sacrament".The festival of Corpus Christi celebrates the Eucharist as the body of Christ.O God, who in this wonderful Sacrament left us a memorial of your Passion: grant, we implore you, that we may so venerate the sacred mysteries of your body and blood, as always to be conscious of the fruit of your redemption.We might well read a metonymic "transubstantiation" of the bodies of American natives, not yet well known, into the gold which, when fashioned into monstrances and crosses, summoned their subjected and doubly converted presence in Spanish Corpus Christi festivals.
The triumphal nature of the celebration is acted out by treating the sacred host almost as if it were a military hero returning in victory from the wars - the host may be carried on a cart (representing a chariot) through crowds and beneath triumphal arches erected for the event.The festival has a particular resonance for Spain and Portugal, and countries in Latin America. By extension, the community of Christians participating in local ritual triumphs enlisted in this global war against non-papists.From the Middle Ages onwards, special Corpus Christi plays were staged to mark the occasion.Although Native Americans were not represented in human form as subjugated to the Body of Christ in early Spanish Corpus Christi celebrations, the wealth of their land was transformed into its supports.The festival was instituted throughout the Church by Pope Urban IV in 1264.