Integrated oil and gas firms, like
Jul 30, 2020 | Jul 30, 2020 | analysts project that operating EPS for S&P 500 companies will total $23.75 in the second quarter, 14% higher than a year earlier, but slowing from 17% in the first quarter. Capital IQ says that the consumer discretionary sector will show a 10.7% year-over-year increase, according to analysts' estimates. In the industrial sector, Citi analysts expect that GE, Jul 31, 2020 | Jul 31, 2020 | >To contact the writer of this article, click here: This section provide summary of results for all companiesQuarterly result summary basis standalone numbers and Annual result summary basis consolidated numbers.Quarterly result summary basis standalone numbers and Annual result summary basis consolidated numbers.This section provide summary of results for all companiesQuarterly result summary basis standalone numbers and Annual result summary basis consolidated numbers.Quarterly result summary basis standalone numbers and Annual result summary basis consolidated numbers. S&P's Glickman says that a stronger U.S. dollar is the biggest potential headwind for the energy group, although he regards that dollar as a secondary factor to global demand and supply, which is what ultimately sets crude prices. The information has been obtained from sources we believe to be reliable; however no guarantee is made or implied with respect to its accuracy, timeliness, or completeness. As a group, technology stocks in the S&P 500 are up only 5.5% this year. , among others, will post upside surprises in terms of EPS. Signs of economic deceleration have made the outlook for industrial companies more uncertain, including drops in new orders and production. Those stocks are up 11.3% this year, best only by health care and energy stocks. Jul 29, 2020 | That trails gains by health care and energy, among others, as well as the 6.7% rise of the broader market. The real story, Goldman analysts write, is that sales are accelerating while EPS growth is decelerating. Jul 29, 2020 | In the financial sector, Citi analysts expect that Capital IQ says that analysts expect that the technology sector will show an 11.7% year-over-year increase in the quarter. Jul 31, 2020 | However, S&P Indices projects the potential Bank of America settlement charge will be excluded from operating results and included in "As Reported" earnings. But as those headwinds are likely to be transitory, Stovall says, earnings will reflect a gradual return to "normal" conditions. Note : Expected time is based on historic announcements. Even so, S&P analyst Erik Oja expects the second quarter to be worse than the first quarter for U.S. banks as loan growth was negative impacted by auto and tech supply disruptions after the Japanese earthquake and tsunami in March. "In most other those areas, however, the tone will more likely be negative, in our view, even in cases where we think second-quarter numbers will match consensus, such as steel and base metals," Glickman writes. Jul 31, 2020 | . Jul 31, 2020 | Jul 30, 2020 | UBS analysts say that it is a tough quarter to call given the scale of moves in the price of oil.
S&P's Capital IQ unit says analysts expect that the materials sector will show the greatest jump in earnings per share growth with a 60.6% year-over-year increase.
Latest Company Financial Results. While materials should have the highest increase, S&P analyst Stewart Glickman is expecting a mixed bag in terms of actual results. Telecom is one area where both earnings growth and share price performance have been underwhelming. S&P analyst Todd Rosenbluth expects the second quarter to be a balancing act for some telecom services companies, with quarterly growth in the broadband customer base through service bundles offsetting the continued hemorrhaging of voice customers who have fled to cable companies and wireless. The sector has a similar middle-of-the-pack performance in terms of share price return, as consumer staples stocks in the S&P 500 are up 8.3%, slightly better than the broader market. Jul 29, 2020 | Jul 29, 2020 |
Among the 17 companies that could surprise to the upside are