Colin Larkin is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Colin Larkin and others you may know. These include recruitment, a change to the force's sick-day bank system and overtime costs incurred as a result of a failing voice radio system that required the police force to put two officers in every patrol car."The police board has rigorously reviewed the fact that the budget has gone up fairly significantly, certainly over the last two years, but it was all investment that we felt was necessary," said Karen Redman, who is chair of both the police services board and chair of Waterloo region.In the last three years, the police budget has increased by $24.3 million, according to a spokesperson for the region.Both Chief Bryan Larkin and chair Karen Redman told CBC News they don't think it's possible to cut the current police budget.Investing in social services and reassessing the role of police in the community are good ideas, but shouldn't be accomplished through cutting the existing police budget, say both the chief and police services board chair in Waterloo region.It is a priority for CBC to create a website that is accessible to all Canadians including people with visual, hearing, motor and cognitive challenges.The June police services board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday.In Toronto, two councillors have floated the idea of cutting their police budgets by $10 million. tambourine man(the byrds,1965) 2.gimme some lovin'(spencer davis group,1966) a rolling stone(bob dylan,1965) 4.101 dam-nations(scarlet party,1982) View Colin Larkin’s professional profile on LinkedIn.
Colin Larkin, Self: Granada Reports. The family of a man who died after being attacked with an axe have paid tribute to him. The motion will go before city council at the end of the month."I'm interested in looking at those as well as new ways that we come up with of looking out for one another that don't involve this disproportionate harm against Black, Indigenous, racialized and poor white communities.""I think that there are ways of dealing with one another and ways of looking out for one another that precede police, that go back for a very long time," said Ruth Cameron, with the African Caribbean and Black Network of Waterloo Region.Cameron said even if action from elected officials has been slow to start,she thinks more people are interested in learning about what it means to defund police. (Colin Butler/CBC) Chief open to reassessing police role. So that obviously needs to be addressed," said Redman.In Waterloo region, activists are calling to end a school resource officer program and a community outreach program that brings officers together with young people, which activists say encourage police surveillance.Larkin said he would be willing to talk about the role of police in the community and how officers could share more responsibilities.Right now, Waterloo regional police have a partnership with the local Canadian Mental Health Association to send crisis workers out to mental health related calls, but it does not run overnight.Meantime, the Waterloo Region District School Board said it has set up meetings to discuss the school resource officer program."I don't know that taking funding that is necessary from police services is necessarily the best way to enhance other services."With files from Erik White and CBC TorontoRedman agrees.