from the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 300 W. 13 Mile Road, Madison Heights, Oakland County, Michigan 48071 on Monday, July 27, 2020, at 7:30 p.m. Today, you can find car collectors and enthusiasts at the Cobo Center in early January, admiring some of the latest models and enjoying sneak previews from industry leaders. The AAC has been running food pickups and drop-offs in collaboration with Focus Hope, as well as curbside medical equipment loans. 436 S Main St Rochester, MI 48307 (248) 656-2590.
Featured Attraction. But its services continue in other ways, adapting to the present moment.The YouTube channel can be found by going to and searching “Madison Heights Active Adult Center.”Cowan encouraged everyone to remain patient while the AAC plays it safe with regard to reopening the building and resuming on-site programming.“The AAC is normally a bustling place full of people coming to partake in our onsite programs, (including) classes, activities, events, field trips and our congregate lunches,” said Jennifer Cowan, AAC coordinator, in an email. Community Resources.
The AAC has also been providing bus transportation for senior residents, bringing them to and from essential places such as the grocery store, bank, post office and doctor’s office. Adults can escape to their own wonderland at the MGM Grand Detroit Casino, one of three casino hotels in the city and the first major luxury casino resort outside of Las Vegas. It is part of Oakland County's Automation Alley with more than 1,300 commercial and industrial businesses and services within the city. We would like to thank everyone for their understanding and kind words.”“We later discovered that some people had difficulty logging into the virtual software, or didn’t prefer the online classes, so we recently created a YouTube channel where all of the class videos can be accessed at any time,” Cowan said.“While we would love to open the doors and invite everyone back to the AAC, we know that is not in everyone’s best interest at this time. Madison Heights City Council . Community Testing Site. “I owe a great debt of gratitude to Jennifer, as well as the AAC staff, bus drivers and volunteers for their selflessness and hard work throughout the pandemic.”“When the pandemic began, we immediately began gathering information on resources and compiled a list that included essentials our patrons might need during this time, such as where to get a food box, face masks, hand sanitizer, transportation, a support meeting or medical equipment,” Cowan said.
The city will continue to follow health advisories and government guidelines, and adjust our services in phases,” Cowan said. Find resources for food, housing, internet access, and more.