All of the relict species have become adapted to life on the Chihua-huan Desert by restriction of habitat. For most, this has meant restric- tion to areas of permanent water, and, for some, restriction to other types of suitable habitats. The CHDN upland monitoring is designed to ascertain broad-scale changes in vegetation and dynamic soils properties in the context of changes in other ecological drivers, stressors, and processes, including climate. A rain shadow is a dry region of land on the side of a mountain range that is protected from the prevailing winds and rainy weather. The CHDN will moni­tor groundwater quantity in wells throughout the network.Climatic changes are predicted to provide exotic plant species with new opportunities for invasion. Our fact sheets are free to use and are ideal for school kids and teachers.

They can also alter fire regimes by causing fires to burn more swiftly or intensely, or even introducing fire to systems that did not evolve with it. As temperature and precipitation patterns affect the abundance, type, and distribution of vegetation cover in watersheds, changes in flood magni­tude and duration, sediment loads, and water chemistry will likely occur. …in the northern Sonoran and Chihuahuan deserts. Most of the summer rains falls between late June and early October, during the North American Monsoonwhen moist air fro…

The Chihuahuan Desert boasts 3,000 plant species, including more than 500 of the world's 1,500 species of cactus. The Chihuahuan Desert is considered the most diverse desert in the Western Hemisphere and one of the most diverse arid regions in the world. The basin and range topography of the Chihuahuan Desert consists of broad desert valleys (basins) bordered by terraces, mesas, and mountains (ranges). There are a surprisingly large number of endemic fish that occur in the Chihuahuan Desert as well—nearly half of the 110 fish species in the region are either endemic or of limited distribution.

Parts of the Mexican states of the Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango, Zacatecas, Nuevo León, and San Luis Potosí, as well as the southeastern corner of Arizona and large parts of New Mexico and the Trans-Pecos region of Texas lie within the Chihuahuan Desert Ecoregion.The Chihuahuan Desert is home to more than 170 species of amphibians and reptiles. Factsmania provide free printable facts about the Chihuahuan Desert to help children learn interesting information about deserts. The Chihuahuan Desert is considered the most diverse desert in the Western Hemisphere and one of the most diverse arid regions in the world. In many parts of the American Southwest, long-term drought and human devel­opment have already led to significant declines in ground­water levels at local and regional scales. The state is mostly characterized by rugged mountainous terrain and wide river valleys. Several climate models predict that climate change will result in more frequent and extreme droughts that could episodically reduce water availability and soil moisture.