Satanist call codes everywhere. And it’s obviously worse when an alderman takes that power and then tries to monetize it for him or herself.“What the f*ck happened to the Democratic party? Well looky here, apparently it’s to usher in the New World Order! Her remarks were taken out of context.She states: “The way that aldermanic prerogative works is there’s got to be compliance with the executive branch, because otherwise it doesn’t work.
Watch below:“Mayor, you need to check your f***ing attitude.
WATCH: Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Talks About “Pledging Allegiance To The New World Order” By cloverchronicle on May 14, 2020 On Monday, Twitter user ‘VICCI’ shared a strange video clip of Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot talking about city training and how agencies and deputies who have pledged “allegiance to the New World Order” should be involved. Going into the neighborhoods? That’s gone as soon as I take office, because it prevents us from engaging in citywide initiatives, it prevents us from moving ahead on important issues like affordable housing and it is fundamentally corrosive and there is no way to monitor it in a way you can bring transparency and accountability to it.“And then you do training, particularly in the city […] licensing departments, whether it’s zoning, buildings, housing will be impacted by it, planning, certainly.“It’s not something you ignore. If aldermen are doing their job right, they should be the people who are closest to the vibe and the beat in their neighborhood and have a very important role to play on a number of different issues, but not a unilateral, unchecked right. That’s probably easier to talk about than the mechanics of actually withdrawing that practice. I’ve got gang-bangers with AK-47s walking around right now, just waiting to settle some scores. It’s too late.”You obviously have to engage in a dialogue with the City Council. They’re going to turn their focus on the neighborhoods.
The New World Order advocates will create yet another crisis to further there agenda. Raise your hand if you think this whole thing is a scam.”“We know that people are here to antagonize and incite, and you’ve got them all pumped tonight, today. This claim is false as the video has been taken out of context.Later in the interview Lightfoot adds: “If I’ve got to go and kiss the ring of the alderman for everything, for a license to have a block club party or whatever it is, and there is a catalog of all the things that are run through the aldermanic offices, that is fundamentally a problem.”False. What are we going to do, and what do we tell residents, other than good faith people stand up? Chicago Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot promised to hire department heads and deputies who will be “pledging allegiance to the new world order and good governance” in a disturbing interview after her landslide election victory. So, you gotta eliminate that compliance and make a mandate.“Holy sh*t, they’re this blatant about it. It’s not going to be enough,” Lopez added.“We can’t expect our police, and I don’t fault them at all, to be able to control this,” he said. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot did not advocate choosing leaders who are part of a “New World Order” conspiracy.
This is a question that I have,” Lopez said.During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary actQ: You ran on getting rid of aldermanic privilege (the practice of aldermen having veto power over all permitting and zoning decisions in their wards).