They involve strict fasting (without water), taking a dip in rivers/water bodies, standing in water and offering prayers, facing the sun for a prolonged period, and offering ‘prasad’ to the Sun during sunrise and sunset. Chhath Puja Chhath, also known as Dala Chhath is an important festival celebrated in india and neighbouring Hindu areas in which setting Sun (dawn) is worshiped . )Display of any trademarks, tradenames, logos and other subject matters of intellectual property belong to their respective intellectual property owners. This day falls during October or November every year as per the Hindu Calendar. It is also popular in Nepal.

Find complete information for Chaiti Chhath Puja through Puja Messages and Wishes:- Chhath Puja is an ancient Hindu Vedic festival historically native to the Bihar of the Indian subcontinent...Chhath Puja Pictures, Images, PhotosGovernment Jobs in India on JobKiya…Chhath is an ancient and historical festival of Indian States Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh and as well as Mithila region of Nepal. The festival lasts for four days. On the second day that is Panchami, the devotees observe fast during the day time. The Chhath Puja is devoted to the Sun and his significant other Usha with the end goal to say thanks to them for presenting the bounties of life on earth and to ask for the conceding of specific wishes. On the third day, prayers are offered to setting sun, while on the fourth day the rising sun is worshipped. The fasting for four days is a ritual that is to be followed without fail by the women of the family celebrating the puja.The rituals surrounding Chhath Puja are supposedly harsher when compared to other Hindu festivals. Chaiti Chhath is a festival mainly celebrated in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. Chhath Puja, the four-day-long festival falls twice a year – in Chaitra maas (March-April) and in the month of Kartika (October-November). During the evening Mother Earth is worshipped and the fast is broken. After the puja it is essential to wear clothes in turmeric color.Chhath Puja is observed on the Kartika Shukla Shasthi (sixth day) as per the Hindu calendar. Happy Chaiti Chhath Puja 2020 wishes Images in Hindi: यूं तो ज्‍यादातर लोगों को यही मालूम होगा कि छठ का पर्व साल में एक बार दिवाली के बाद आता है। … Apr 11, 2020 - Explore narendra31415's board "Chhath Puja", followed by 3684 people on Pinterest. Even in the states of Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Chandigarh, Chhattisgarh, Mumbai and Goa,Chhath festival is celebrated with equal dedication.Karthik shukla shashti is the most important and rigorous day of the 4 day chhath puja festivalChhath puja is a big festival for Hindus all over India and abroad. Chaiti Chhath Festival; Durga Puja / Pooja; Ganesh Chaturthi; Krishna Janmashtami; Maha Shivaratri Festival; Onam Festival; Pongal Festival; Raksha Bandhan / Rakhi. Chhath puja is performed on Kartika Shukla Shashthi, or, in other words day of the period of Kartika in the Vikram Samvat. After this meal the devotees go on a strict 36hours fast without drinking even a drop of water.Chhath Puja is declared as restricted holiday by the Government of India and all government offices and business remain operational on this day. The first day of Chaiti Chhath starts with Nahay Khay. 26 July 2020 Tirumala Tirupati … The Chhath Puja is being celebrated over four days this year, from 31st October to 3 November 2019, with Surya Shashthi (main day) falling on … Devotees each year pray Surya enthusiastically to seek success and well-being of the family members andfriends. (You can save searches, track your apps & save plenty of time! * The exact date of celebrating Chhath Puja is however decided by the Central body of Janakpurdham located in Nepal and is applicable in every part of the world.Chhath 2020 Festival and ritual dates are given below:*Even though Chhath Puja is celebrated will full zeal all over India, the celebrations in the state of Bihar, Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh are unmatchable. Chhath Puja / Pooja 2020 HD Wallpapers, Pictures, Images & Photos: Here we are sharing latest collection of Chhath Puja/Pooja Pictures, Images, Photos & Wallpapers.Download and share these Chhath Pooja Greetings and Wishes with your friends. We invite you to our blog. You can share our Chhath Puja Images, Chhath Puja GIF, Chhath Puja Animation, Chhath Puja 2019 Wallpapers, Chhath Puja 2019 HD Photos, Chhath Puja 2019 Pics, Chhath Puja 2019 3D GIF, Chhath Puja 2019 Whatsapp DP, Chhath Puja 2019 Profile Picture for Facebook. The one celebrated earlier in the year is called Chaithi Chhath. Display of such IP along with the related product information does not imply BankBazaar's partnership with the owner of the Intellectual Property or issuer/manufacturer of such products.The celebrations last for 4 days thanking the Sun God, the source of all powers. Chhath Puja takes place during 6th day ( Shasthi) lunar fortnight of Kartik month (October last to mid November). Chhath Puja is also known as Dala Chhath or Surya Shashti.Chaiti Chhath Puja - Chaiti Chhath Puja is also known as Chota Chhath and Chaiti/ Chaitra Chhath.