The Cf Industries Holdings Inc share price has moved by 6.21% over the past three months. Find your CF distributors...An Ammonium Nitrate, Phosphate and Potassium Fertiliser- offering a quality product for less intensive grassland situations on low fertility soils.As a high-yielding energy crop, maize is a major part of many dairy and high output beef systems. Please enter a query to search ... CF Fertilisers UK; We provide building blocks for a better life. The latest CF Industries Inc 5.375% NTS 15/03/44 USD1000 share price.

CF Industries is a global leader in nitrogen fertilizer manufacturing and distribution.

Find the latest CF Industries Holdings, Inc. (CF) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing. This True Granular Compound fertiliser supplies high levels of Nitrogen and Potassium with low Phosphate content and the all-important additional Sulphur for enhanced yields and crop quality.An Ammonium Nitrate, Phosphate and Potassium Fertiliser- an all-season, all-situation, all-purpose fertiliser balancing nutrients recycled by grazing animals.An Ammonium Nitrate, Potassium and Sulphur Fertiliser- a flexible zero P fertiliser for Sulphur- deficient situationsHow does this choice play out in your field?Optimise Growth and Quality with SulphurCF's superior fertiliser products can be purchased via a wide distribution network throughout the UK.Register today for the CF N-Programme (N-Min and N-Calc)An Ammonium Nitrate, Potassium and Sulphur Fertiliser- offering a True Granular Compound Solution when Phosphate (P) is not required.An Ammonium Sulphate and Ammonium Nitrate Fertiliser- the right balance of Nitrogen and Sulphur for the first top dressing.An Ammonium Nitrate, Phosphate, Potassium and Sulphur Fertiliser- offering a popular and flexible solution for a spring applied fertiliser to silage and other conversed forage.Copyright © 2020 CF Fertilisers UK.

The emphasis of CF Industries is dedicated support of local markets, while utilising our global strengths and expertise to meet the specific needs of … CF | Complete CF Industries Holdings Inc. stock news by MarketWatch. However, a good crop pays dividends so it is worth spending time working out the crop’s actual nutrient requirements. As well as being the leading supplier of Nitrogen, manufacturing Ammonium Nitrate and True Granular Compound Fertiliser, we …

Example amount of product to buy based on 100 hectaresAn Ammonium Nitrate, Phosphate, Potassium and Sulphur Fertiliser- a traditional grassland True Granular Compound fertiliser offering the user low levels of Phosphate and Potash with added Sulphur to enhance forage yield and quality.An Ammonium Nitrate, Phosphate, Potassium and Sulphur Fertiliser- the perfect product for all- season silage needs. Where maize follows maize or another forage crop, the Soil Nitrogen Supply (SNS) is given as index 1 (low). At CF Fertilisers UK Ltd, we produce market-leading premier fertilisers that farmers rely on to optimise crop performance and yields. But, where manures have been regularly applied, there will be a residual effect; The Soil Nitrogen Supply will be higher and the N fertiliser requirement lower.An Ammonium Nitrate, Phosphate, Potassium and Sulphur Fertiliser- a True Granular Compound offering a flexible spring fertiliser applications for a wide range of crops and greassland needs.Best for yield, best for quality, best for British weather.A Calcium Sulphate and Ammonium Nitrate Fertiliser- offering a flexible balance of Nitrogen and Sulphur for use throughout the seasonAn Ammonium Nitrogen Fertiliser- leading the field in crop nutrition and trusted by farmers for the last 50 years.If soil P index is no more than 3, then 125 kg/ha of the Twenty Ten Ten can be applied at drilling to supply some available P to encourage establishment and early growthTake our short quiz to see if you can improve your approach.An Ammonium Nitrate, Potassium and Sulphur Fertiliser- a long established brand offering a True Granular Compound Solution where higher levels of Nitrogen and Potash are required; a great nutrient balancer where biosolids are used.An Ammonium Sulphate and Ammonium Nitrate Fertiliser- offering a high quality granulated product for crops that have a high Sulphur demand.An Ammonium Nitrate, Phosphate, Potassium and Sulphur Fertiliser- the perfect product for all- season silage needs.