It prevents them from being called into court to explain every law they pass. A fellow former mayor who now sits in the state Senate, Kirk Watson, is also on her list of rising stars, as are Mayor Julian Castro and U.S. Rep. Joaquin Castro.Extinguishing the possibility that Texas could be placed back under federal electoral supervision, the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday pushed aside claims that lawmakers intentionally discriminated against voters of color when they enacted the state’s congressional and state House maps.The change in candidates doesn’t change the fact that this is a 70% GOP district. The judges found that Hispanic voters in Congressional District 27, represented by U.S. Rep. Blake Farenthold, R-Corpus Christi, were “intentionally deprived of their opportunity to elect a candidate of their choice.” Congressional District 35 — a Central Texas district represented by Democrat Lloyd Doggett of Austin — was deemed “an impermissible racial gerrymander” because mapdrawers illegally used race as the predominant factor in drawing it without a compelling state interest, the judges wrote.– Another press release from the TDP makes a nice-sounding claim:And District 79 Rep. Joe Pickett, the dean of the El Paso delegation, faces Chuck Peartree.But that, in fact, wasn’t the law.
It has been 1,748 days since this Court ordered its second interim maps. Voting Record for Marc Veasey. Plaintiffs have established a Shaw-type equal protection violation with regard to CD35. The thing about an off-year race is that turnout levels are much more variable. There has been one interlocutory appeal and more contentious appeals loom on the horizon. Rep. Marc Veasey, D-Fort Worth, has known Davis since her days on the Fort Worth City Council.Trey Hood, a University of Georgia political science professor, was called by the state to discuss his study that showed the voter ID law in Georgia resulted in suppressed voter turnout in 2008 among people of all races and ethnicities, compared with the comparable election in 2004 before the law was enacted.The Justices’ order, the panel said, was like many others in similar cases. I don’t have a full picture yet of everything, and I suspect there are still some unexpected stories to tell. They said at the close of proceedings Monday that they planned to offer just two witnesses, with their presentation lasting only around a day and half.The confusion started in the first hour of the first day of early voting in San Antonio last October.Legislative privilege, according to the Texas Constitution, protects lawmakers from having to explain their decision process. He has worked tirelessly to create jobs, promote comprehensive immigration reform, and provide quality, affordable healthcare for everyone. ... then they are also too dangerous to own a gun.
The groups also asked the high court to consider giving the federal court in Corpus Christi limited jurisdiction over the case to issue a new injunction.Keller on Tuesday reiterated the state’s claim that the law has not disenfranchised any voters, saying Ramos’ decision was plagued by “some clearly erroneous fact-finding.”On the Republican side, the endorsements of Rafael Cruz and Sarah Palin were not enough for Katrina Pierson in CD32, as Rep. Pete Sessions waltzed to a 68% win. “In the past, CMS has decreased or removed federal funding from Texas, which we do not want to happen again as doing so would decrease access to care instead of expanding it.”But the judges also questioned the plaintiffs’ partial reliance on testimony from lawmakers opposed to the law to prove the Legislature’s intention to discriminate.Of course, he is basically an Akin in the making, or an Akin before there was Akin (Stockman first came in in the ’94 Republican landslide but was too nuts and got bounced out after one term). Rep. Ralph Hall, who was born sometime during the Cretaceous Era, will be in a runoff against John Ratcliffe in CD04. Not a full slate, but not too bad. Perales also posed a question about whether an incumbent had proposed changes to his district to preserve his seat.In a unanimous decision Tuesday, a three-judge panel in San Antonio ruled that Congressional Districts 27 and 35 violate the U.S. Constitution and the federal Voting Rights Act. Tarrant’s demographics are changing, as the story notes, but I have no idea if there’s anything to suggest its demographics are changing any faster than the state’s are.
Abbott has gone to great lengths to prevent any Republican legislator or legislative staff member from testifying. I look forward to continuing to serve the community in one capacity or another.”So with the help of several lawyers, Settles tried to find it, searching records in courthouses in the D.C. area, where he grew up.