Light which is information is flowing in.Have you ever heard light language? While the Queen appears to be “self-isolating” at Windsor Palace with Prince Philip, the crest being vacant can easily be explained. Pictured: The Queen arriving back at Windsor Castle from Buckingham Palace to find the gate locked, as a female bodyguard steps out of one of … The Queen needs to wear a long dress and have her hands covered with gloves. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, We’ve all been around negative energy but fortunately, there are ways to cleanse this from you and your home. Apparently, the windows at Buckingham Palace are boarded up, the seal has been removed from the gate and the Queen’s Royal Guard are no longer protecting the building.So much happening in the unseen world. Many of us (if not ALL) have been spiritually or psychically attacked by negative entities as well. The old paradigm is collapsing.Once we have awakened, many amazing experiences come to us that may seem “other-worldly” to the unawakened.

Round haircuts.

Apparently, the windows at Buckingham Palace are boarded up, the seal has been removed from the gate and the Queen’s Royal Guard are no longer protecting the building.

It is unlikely any charges will be pursued.The gates at Buckingham Palace were looking a little worse for wears yesterday, after being driven into by a works lorry.Superstitious sorts and Scottish Independence supporters immediately leapt on the incident to declare it an omen in turbulent times.The unicorn, which represents the kingdom of Scotland on the royal crest, while the lion representing England apparently remained affixed.The Queen's official residences account for around 2.8 million visitors a year.
Stay balanced and center and keep sacred neutral observer perspective. "Alas poor unicorn, knocked off from its perch on the gates of Buckingham Palace," reported one Twitter user with pictures of the fictional animal in pieces. Many will chose to leave this world and this decision has been made on a soul level.Was/is now President Trump privet to all this??? Here’s an update: Even the simplest things make a difference, such as letting a car into heavy traffic […]There are many ascended masters that are here on earth as many more are continuing to incarnate as this all plays out. A crest has not gone missing from the gates of Buckingham Palace. He points out that the windows are “boarded up” and the royal guards have been replaced by Gurkhas.The spokesperson also said it was routine for service personnel from other units to guard the royal residences.Partly false. Whenever appearing at public engagements, the chain of honor can no longer be worn and now only plain street clothes are permitted. The Scottish Palace of Holyrood attracts almost 400,000 tourists each year.

I’ve been following this for a while but recently, this topic has gained lots of traction. Much chaos is coming to the surface to create a distractions, diversions, and separation of the people in the United States and globally.Many people are aware of Carl Jung’s contributions to the world of psychology but did you know about his contributions to the world of spirituality?The CIA declassified a number of documents that relate to spirituality and consciousness, amongst a number of other fascinating topics!UPDATED May 5, 2019 by Gregg Prescott, M.S.