Unlike other search applications, alongside with guiding visitors through collections and gathering detailed behaviour analytics, smart search app has the ability to learn instantly.Searchanise is trusted by some of the world’s most successful brands such as Durex, Phillips, Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Mediamarkt, National Geographic and Sennheiser.Google Site Search Replacement - Expertrec
Klevu powers the search and merchandising experience of many online stores by leveraging natural language processing and multilingual capabilities, ensuring visitors to your site find exactly what they are looking for regardless of the device or query complexity.Searchanise is an advanced Search & Selling tool for your BigCommerce business designed to ensure maximum conversion through search.It is easy to integrate and supports multiple languages including French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Greek and Tamil.Searchanise feels visitors’ desire, helps them to find exactly what they want, offers relevant options as well and turns visitors into customers. You can search for products from anywhere in the control panel by using the search bar at the top of the navigation. Existing BigCommerce store Log in. Mobile sales will make up more than half of all online sales by 2021 5. Join our global network of certified experts and get advanced features, resources, and more to help grow your business and connect with merchants. The date range still shows last week but chart shows stats from two weeks ago.Not sure what all the complaints are about. I just wanted to see open orders, and have the ability to update the status. Example- this weeks sales are actual calendar week, not just the last 7 days. The BigCommerce app lets you manage orders, view customer details and access key performance metrics for running your business on-the-go. Both merchant and agency or developer can access the appKlevu is an AI-powered search technology that turns search into sales. Mobile shopping apps can be a powerful tool to help merchants attract and convert mobile shoppers. Search the web using an image instead of text. Requires iOS 12.3 or later. BigCommerce merchants don’t have to worry about paying for another app or creating multiple products to troubleshoot these types of limitations, with support for up to 600 variants (ie: an option or combination of options tied to a SKU) and/or up to 250 values in a single option (for products without a SKU or inventory additional options can be supported). TrustedSite To install please select one of the options below.