Lurgy is a word used to describe a contagious illness, for example you might hear someone say ‘I wouldn’t go near John today, he’s got the lurgy.’ This could mean that John has a cold or a virus that you want to avoid catching yourself.This is one more word that has different definitions in standard English and in British slang. At the same time, some other slang words are only used in a specific region. For instance, England and Wales have some of their own slang phrases, and London has its own slang as well. Cuppa is a term used to refer to a cup of tea, or sometimes coffee.
For example, if you also smoke but forget your cigarettes at home this time, you can ask to bum a fag from your mate.This is a word which is used to say ‘nothing.’ It might be heard in a sentence such as ‘I really must go shopping, I’ve got nowt at all in the fridge.’Here is a list of some popular British slang words, with definitions and examples of their use.When you’re feeling chuffed, you’re pleased, happy, or proud of something. In some cases, when slang words are written down, they’ve already become part of the standard language. 1 decade ago. For example, you can introduce your best friend to a new company, saying that he’s your best mate. For example, you might head someone say ‘I absolutely love Elton John, what a ledge!’This word is usually used as part of the phrase “take a gander” which means “take a look”. However, in some cases, there is a desire for a kinkier, incest-themed roleplay version, like DDLG, or “daddy dom/little girl,” which is a Dom/sub category of BDSM where a typically older man and younger woman will engage in sex acts and sexualized play than incorporate elements of a father/daughter relationship. A white-ish, cheese-like substance that can form under a man’s foreskin if he doesn’t clean it regularly. Bants is a shorter way of saying banter, meaning friendly joking.
It is a very common slang term in the United Kingdom and might be heard in a sentence like ‘Look at Bob and Mary, they’re having a good old snog.’This word is another shorter version of a word. See more. You might hear it used in a sentence like ‘Barry has dropped his drink again, he is so daft.’ It can also be used to tell someone, in a kind way, that their idea is a bit silly. Something that you can “earn,” like a badge, since theoretically it requires courage to lick someone’s clitoris while there might be blood in their vagina. It has become harder to join post-9/11 due to increased airline regulation and security measures. Someone (typically a woman) who leads people (typically men) on sexually without having any interest in actually consummating. See more words with the same meaning: man, men, male .
For example, you might say that an article about the Earth being flat that you’ve read was tosh.When you hear someone tell you to ‘leg it’ in Britain, you are being told to make a quick exit, or run away. Typically occurs at the very end of a scene or movie — in which case it would count as both a money shot and a cumshot. Slang term for an accumulation of fecal matter around the entrance to the vagina after a heterosexual couple switches from anal to vaginal penetration. Nevertheless, if you hear someone using it in an annoyed tone, it might mean that you’re in trouble.Mardy is a term used to describe someone who is not in a very good mood. Here’s the handy AskMen guide to deciphering it all. Typically composed of a mixture of sweat, skin cells and semen and carrying a strongly unpleasant taste. Descriptive term for when a woman’s pants are very tight or ride up so that her pubic mound is visibly defined between her thighs. In America, people often associate sex with baseball lingo. Many phrases that have been used in a daily speech some thirty years ago are completely forgotten today.We are not talking about an area of muddy, soggy land, bog is used in Britain to talk about the toilet. Essentially, the opposite of a bear. A term in the gay community for a big, chunky, hairy gay man.
For example, ‘You can’t go out without a coat, you’re daft.”This word can mean “bottom” but this isn’t its only meaning. For real.When you say that someone is your mate, you simply mean that this person is your friend. Less common these days given “Eskimo” is increasingly seen as an offensive term as compared to “Inuit.” “Eskimo brothers” is also used for two men in the same situation. “I was watching porn last night and my wi-fi cut out just before the cumshot. In Britain, bloody doesn’t necessarily refer to something covered in blood; it can also mean “damned” and show frustration or anger.