It’s also the type of story that requires the viewer’s full attention, weaving a complex web of paradoxes, familial connections, and apocalyptic fates.
Jonas/The Stranger, Magnus, Bartosz and Franziska escape with the time machine.
They open his suitcase and ask him what it is.
She begs with Bartosz, who picks up his phone and calls his father, who in turn does not pick up his phone, and calls Charlotte, asking her to get to the plant so he could show her something.Bartosz explains to his classroom how black holes form, but is interrupted when Jonas walks into the classroom.
Posters advertise a 1987 concert. Posted by 1 month ago.
This could work based on the actors that play the characters.Carina Wiese, who plays older Franziska, is 51, so not "much older" as well. Dezember 2017 bekanntgegeben. Bartosz says he needs a phone.
6. This is not Tronte's first child disappearance – in 1986, Mads, his younger child and Ulrich Nielsen's younger brother, had mysteriously disappeared never to be found. Dark is a German science fiction thriller web television series co-created by Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese. User account menu. Read at your own risk!] Tannhaus' father was convinced he could supersede the rules of time and space, and dedicated his life to doing that, which his son followed in doing.
Jonas gets up and pushes Bartosz back, starting a fight between the both of them until they are separated by Magnus and Franziska. However, before that she had to save Jonas from the apocalypse in his world and bring him to that world.Bartosz asks his mother about his grandmother, telling her that she had come to visit the previous fall.
The second season, the latest of the series, gave us further insight into the convoluted family tree – but not so much.
Hence this theory. The first season catapulted us into the time-traveling saga showing only glimpses of the convoluted family tree shared by the four families. The casting between ages has always been immaculate, and he looks quite a bit like Bartosz and has the same deep part in his hair and general build.
It is Bartosz, carrying a suitcase. ""Does that mean Bartosz becomes violent? He has the same tattoos as Noah in the miner/murder scene, and had questioned his faith in Adam’s plan.It's definitely Bartosz.
Jonas is not able to do it and leaves, so Bartosz rushes after him and pushes him to the ground and once again telling him to tell everybody who Adam is.
Their flashlights start flickering, and they start running away from the cave.
She uses another sphere and places it in the orb. They demand to know what he is doing there. Future Magnus is played by an actor that’s 57 years old. The German show has a unique take on time travel and is filled with twists and turns. Die erste Staffel wurde am 1. On Adam's instructions, he posed as a priest in Winden and kidnapped young boys for time travel experiments.
Magnus and Franziska are brought back with Middle-aged Jonas, presumably into 1921 as that’s where we see adult Franziska and Magnus, it leaves me to wonder, where’s Bartosz?
Netflix. With six hours left until the apocalypse, Aleksander asks where the containers are and tells Obendorf to do as he says. Why did Bartosz squint/almost closed his eyes before getting murdered by Noah in 1921? It is no wonder then that when he knew his time had come, the Bartosz (supposed) from 1921 told Noah, "it's interesting it's you.." This theory, if true, would make Tronte Martha's (played by Lisa Vicari) great grandfather and make him Jonas's (played by Louis Hofmann) great-great grandfather. She asks Magnus who he is, and he in turn asks her to guess. Martha is surprised to hear Jonas is still alive, and Franziska tells her that only in their world, and he knew where The Origin is.
Magnus says Katharina has taken it. The doctor agrees to wait until additional test results come in, but warns that she may need to resume chemotherapy.Bartosz walks up to Martha and Magnus at school.
He says he has come to save them from the apocalypse, but has no answer when they ask about Martha.