A fair portion of the west side of the reservoir is devoted to camping and picnicking. A fair portion of the west side of the reservoir is devoted to camping and picnicking. The Bartlett Lake Mariana is located on the reservoir and can meet all of your boating needs. Yellow Cliffs Campground, is a dispersed campground at Bartlett Lake in Tonto National Forest with lakeside camping and access to boating and other activities. Take Cave Creek Road 7 miles to the junction with Forest Road (FR) 205. Bartlett has been a favorite with anglers since Bartlett Dam was constructed in 1939.
Bartlett has been a favorite with anglers since Bartlett Dam was constructed in 1939. Several state-record fish have been caught there. Turn right and travel 6 miles to the junction of FR 205 and FR 19. The Bartlett Lake Mariana is located on the reservoir and can meet all of your boating needs. 5 oz. Bartlett Flats Campground is a dispersed campground on the shore of Bartlett Lake in Tonto National Forest that provides scenic mountain vistas and direct access to boating and other activities. “Fish City” near Bartlett Flat is a fish-habitat improvement project.This site is 23 miles east of Carefree. The resort offers: Games Room, Covered patio for group use, Volleyball & badminton court, Heated pool, Coin showers, Restaurant & store. The Last Stop Bar and Grill recently opened up if you need a bite to eat. Take Cave Creek Road 7 miles. The Last Stop Bar and Grill recently opened up if you need a bite to eat. The carp state record still stands at 37 lbs. Then turn left on FR 459. At this junction take FR 19 for 7 miles to FR 459 and turn left. The carp state record still stands at 37 lbs. Since then, the Salt and Verde rivers have had six dams constructed. 5 oz. Several state-record fish have been caught there. Bartlett has been a favorite with anglers since Bartlett Dam was constructed in 1939. Bartlett has been a favorite with anglers since Bartlett Dam was constructed in 1939. Try one of these campgrounds located nearbyWatershed protection was one of the most important reasons that the Tonto National Forest was established. Since then, the Salt and Verde rivers have had six dams constructed. “Fish City” near Bartlett Flat is a fish-habitat improvement project. Located on the Verde River, Bartlett Lake, like most lakes in Arizona is a man-made reservoir. Turn right on Bartlett Dam Road and continue for 12 ½ miles. Bartlett Lake Camping Equipment; View Details | Add Business: No Camping Equipment Listed A fair portion of the west side of the reservoir is devoted to camping and picnicking. While the dammed water is of great value for irrigating fields and for domestic use, it is also very popular with thousands of people who recreate in its waters every year.This site is 24 miles east of Carefree. Bartlett Lake is on the Verde River and stores water for the Phoenix metro area, and also provides great recreational opportunities. Several state-record fish have been caught there. Campground full or want to see what’s around? Flathead Catfish lurk in the depths. Continue on FR 459 (a paved, low-speed road) for 3 miles and an additional ½-mile on an unpaved road to the site.