This verse contains a figure of speech known as a Simile. (of foods or pills) covered with a thin layer of sugar 2. Find more similar words at … Find more similar words at … "I'm hunger-y," whispered Baby, taking a sugar-coated pill out of a box, and touching it with her tongue.It will be observed that they sugar-coated their certificate with a lot of whereases.All Of These Words Are Offensive (But Only Sometimes)He took off the lid of the box and revealed four sugar-coated pills.They like "Talks" in small quantities, concentrated form, and sugar-coated.But Tom Van Dorn did smile as he answered, a smile of such sweetness, and of such winning grace that it sugar-coated his words.Slowly, and in sugar-coated pills of homeopathic size, he administered to them minute doses of the ideas he wished them to digest.“Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every TimeIf I wanted to promote good reading, I would not treat it as a pill to be sugar-coated.In daily press, in magazines, in every thing I read, the sugar-coated life's prescribed as man's most urgent need.He swallowed his chagrin, for he could but confess that it was sugar-coated. – II Corinthians 2: 17 . molten glass. Synonyms for sugar coating include frosting, cake coating, decoration, glaze, icing, covering, spread, topping, coating and garnish. v. # candied , curdled. Find descriptive alternatives for sugar-coated.

To coat with sugar: sugarcoat a pill. inveigled. Sugar Coating Words Quotes & Sayings . Synonyms: chocolate-box, cloying, corny… Antonyms: unsentimental… Find the right word. Synonyms for sugarcoating include sweetening, alleviating, mollifying, pacifying, soothing, added sugar, adding sweetening, candy-coating, making more appealing and making sweet. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples covering. sugarcoat definition: 1. to cover food or pills with a thin layer of sugar 2. to make something seem more positive or…. Don't sugarcoat it for me, Doc—is my wife going to make it? sugar-coated. Showing search results for "Sugar Coating Words" sorted by relevance. Sugar-coated definition: Sugar-coated food is covered with a sweet substance made of sugar. Synonyms for sugarcoating include sweetening, alleviating, mollifying, pacifying, soothing, added sugar, adding sweetening, candy-coating, making more appealing and making sweet.

If complete candor is what is desired, sugar-coating becomes a negative thing, because it hides or obscures the truth. Synonyms for sugar coating at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. My grandmother was never one to sugarcoat her criticisms. Learn more. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.

4185 matching entries found. coats. For we are not as many, which corrupt [water down] the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ. An announcement or promise that is…. a thing used to make something else considered unpleasant or disagreeable seem attractive or palatable. n. # icing. God Death Mystery Bullshit Realism Falsehood Hope Lies Deceit Holding On Bad Relationship Dieting Understanding Value Words Happy Regrets Communication Power. Sugarcoated: appealing to the emotions in an obvious and tiresome way. Learn more. 1. Sugar-Coating The Word .

noun the act or process of covering something with sugar. Related Topics. If she thought you had messed up, she would tell you in no uncertain terms. If the situation calls for kindness to trump utter honesty, sugar-coating is a good thing. Words Of Wisdom We get only a sugar coating which makes it easier to swallow certain fragments of information.A good story is like a bitter pill with the sugar coating inside of it.Isn't there some sugar coating that we can put on to these physical exercise pills to make them a little more palatable?What Is The Difference Between “It’s” And “Its”?After her departure Penrod drowsily enjoyed the sugar coating of the pill; but this was indeed a brief pleasure.All Of These Words Are Offensive (But Only Sometimes)Bryce extracted a pill and put his nose to it, after scratching a little of the sugar coating away.Of such a pill as that I've described there'd be no trace but the sugar coating—and the poison.“Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every TimeThey are the sugar coating of the poisonous pill of Socialism itself.In another letter from an Exalted Cyclops the sugar coating has largely disappeared.The story-like introduction to many sections is not a sugar coating to make the child swallow a bitter pill.It was simply a book of American travel, which I hoped to make attractive by a sugar coating of romance. What Is The Difference Between “It’s” And “Its”?Much that is called nature-study is only diluted and sugar-coated science. Whether sugar-coating is bad or good depends on the situation. a coating or layer of sugar or a sugary substance. phr. Notice the two usages of the word ‘as’ in the verse.

– J.R. ♦ Nov 17 '14 at 9:08 Find descriptive alternatives for sugar coating. Show more.