The most common formats are:No, there is no fine for overdue ebooks – but if you have more than $10 worth of outstanding fines on other items, you won’t be able to check out ebooks until the fines are resolved.A DEDICATED e-reader is an electronic device created primarily for the purpose of reading ebooks.
Getting Started (choose your device) Amazon Kindle (includes Kindle e-reader devices, Kindle Fire devices, and other devices on which you can install a Kindle App such as iPhones, iPads, and Android devices) iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch (not using a Kindle App) Examples of dedicated e-readers include devices like the NOOK, the Kindle, the Sony Touch and the Kobo.A NON-DEDICATED e-reader is any electronic device that allows you to read an ebook. Download the App. There are both dedicated e-readers and non-dedicated e-readers.You may checkout up to ten ebooks or e-audiobooks at a time for 7, 14 or 21 days; you will choose when you checkout.
Durham County Library patrons can now print to any library printer from their mobile device or their internet-enabled computer through the PrinterOn service. OverDrive.
Once you have downloaded and installed the app, search for and add Durham County Library from within the app to search the catalog and access your account.
To register for a library account, please visit any Durham County Library location with a photo ID and proof of Durham County residency.
Devices such as the Kindle Fire and NOOK Tablet are considered non-dedicated e-readers since they can also perform more tasks than just reading books.There are two ways to get books to your device: (1) by downloading to your computer and then transferring to your device via a USB cable, or (2) directly to your device via the OverDrive Media Console application.You may also have holds on up to 5 ebooks at a time.Durham County Library | 300 N. Roxboro St. | Durham, NC 27701 | 919-560-0100Durham County Library is excited to offer its customers the ability to checkout ebooks and e-audiobooks that are compatible with a variety of devices including iOS, Android, Blackberry, Kindle, NOOK, and many others. If you have any questions about the mobile catalog, contact us.
Print jobs can be emailed, sent through a mobile app or as a web upload. The Digital Bookmobile will showcase the thousands of ebooks and e-audiobooks available at Durham County Library.
No problem.
You can even read books on your computer. This can include an iPad, smartphone, or computer.
These usually use e-ink displays that look more like reading text on paper rather than a electronic display. Ebooks come in many different file formats and how you read them depends on the file format. You'll find a wealth of materials to assist with researching North Carolina-related topics as well as several online exhibits. More information about library cards >> Recent Posts. PrinterOn works with our current Envisionware printing system. All you need to access these is your library card and an internet connection.Download the app from the following stores: To help you get started, there is a Borrowbox: ebooks and eaudiobooks quick start guide (PDF, 211.2kb).. Emagazines, enewspapers and ecomics These services are provided by RBDigital. You can choose from thousands of titles including back issues of magazines.Fines will not be charged while this is in place.They all have exactly the same pictures, layout and text as the printed versions.As a library member you can borrow a huge range of ebooks, eaudiobooks, emagazines, enewspapers and ecomics available to download free of charge.