Hence, all the aspirants should check the cutoff mark after attempting the exam.No, APDCL Light Vehicle Driver, Sahayak Result not yet released. APDCL Admit Card 2019. Notice (Dated 02.03.2019): OMR Based Examination for the post of Office cum Field Assistant (Fresh & Experienced) & Sahayak (Experienced) will be held on 28th April, 2019. Notice (Dated 07.03.2019): Document Verification & Practical Test for the post of Mali will be conducted on 24th March, 2019. APDCL Declared Exam Results 2019 for Assistant Accounts Officer Post, Document Verification: Good News for those candidates who appeared online examination held on 01 December 2018 and 03 December 2018 for the posts of “Assistant Accounts Officer” (AAO) in APDCL/AEGCL/APGCL, today Assam Power Distribution Company Limited publish a notification for … They were given a chance to prove their intellectual ability through a written test conducted by the APDCL. As per the Reports of Assam APDCL authorities, they are planning to release the APDCL Exam Result 2019 tentatively in the month of June/July 2019. APDCL Assam Sahayak Result 2019-2020 PDF As per the sources, the written examination was successfully conducted at various examination centers all over across the Assam state. The main purpose of the companies is to manage the distribution, trading, and supply of electricity in the state of Assam or outside as per the law.The APDCL exam results is expected to be out in January 2020.The expected cut off marks of APDCL Field Assistant/Sahaya will be for General category: 85 +, for SEBC 80 +, for SC Category: 75 to 78, for ST Category: 70 to 74 and 62 to 68 for all other remaining category.Since the day of the examination, we are tracking the each and every activity of the organization to know the exact date of releasing the result, cut off marks and merit list.
And as per the student’s reviews, the examination was easy but not too easy that everyone can clear the test without the proper preparation.
Assam Power Distribution Company Limited or APDCL … You can acquire knowledge of necessary information like Selection Process, Test Pattern of AAO, Sahayak in the forthcoming modules. We advised to Examiner keep remember the Hall ticket number and other details to download the APDCL Field Assistant Exam Results 2019. Appeared candidates for the selection process can check their result at below link… Moreover, the APCDCL Examination was held on 17th February 2019 for Light Vehicle Driver and 28th […] stream were invited for filling up the online registration form.The organizers are managing and operating the distribution system, assets, liabilities of this company. Check out the APDCL Exam Date 2018-19 of Office cum Field Assistant acancy @ www.apdcl.org. APDCL Light Vehicle Driver Result of 2019 can download from its official website. The Examination Authority is planning to announce the APGCL/APDCL Exam Result in the upcoming days. APDCL Result 2020 - Assam Power Distribution Company Limited(APDCL) to be released the APDCL Result 2020 for the Post of Light Vehicle Driver on its official apdcl.org website and APDCL Result 2020 is now available in online mode. DV will be held on 24, 26 & 27-02-2020. More detailed information is below provided. Assam Power Distribution Company Limited or APDCL announces examination schedule and admit card releasing date for the post of Office cum Field Assistant, & Sahayak.Candidates who were applied for APDCL Recruitment 2018 are able to appear an online computer based examination.