These fires are listed in alphabetical order.The fire was caused by human activity with the exact cause under investigation. It’s now 100 percent contained.This fire is unique because the Maroon Crater was used for WWII artillery training and unexploded ordnance might still be off the designated roads, Inciweb noted. Exreme heating and the presence of large reservoirs in narrow canyons may be increasing burn periods and nocturnal downslope winds.”The south zone will be 2,500 acres. On Tuesday, June 11, fire personnel have completed all planned ignitions on the prescribed fire and will continue to monitor the area the rest of the week. Firefighting efforts on the north end of the fire will concentrate on protecting campgrounds, infrastructure, powerlines, and businesses along State Highway 88.”A community meeting is planned for the fire on Sunday, June 16 at 2 p.m. at the Roosevelt Baptist Church on State Highway 188, Inciweb noted.On the Reed Rx project near Tusayan, approximately 1,095 acres have been completed to date. On June 13 it was 10,090 acres and now, as of June 15, it’s exploded in size to 25,893 acres because of an unexpected dryline.Inciweb noted the morning of June 15: “There are currently no threats to the communities of Queen Valley Estates, Gold Canyon, Kings Ranch, Superior, and Apache Junction.
Along with Apache Lake, the following areas are now open:Due to the risk of flooding the following sites will remain closed until September 30, 2019, unless the closure order is rescinded or extended based on conditions:Boulder Trail (#103) is open to the junction with Second Water Trail (#236).Roads leading toward the Woodbury Fire from State Highways 88 (Apache Trail), 188 (Roosevelt), and US Highway 60.Lower Burnt Corral – is closed to vehicles.The USDA Forest Service, Tonto National Forest, working in close cooperation with the Arizona Department of Transportation have changed the portion of State Highway 88, Apache Trail, allowing Apache Lake to reopen to the public. For Friday, June 14, the plan is to finish this section with another 308 acres to burn. “Excessive heat and dry conditions will coninue to keep fuel moisture at 1% with probability of ignition at 100%. Inciweb noted on June 14:This fire is listed at NIFC. It’s off US Highway 180 north of Luna Wok Center. “Containment will continue to increase over the next few weeks as firefighters identify and extinguish sources of heat along containment lines. “I appreciate the public’s patience during the extended fire suppression efforts of the Woodbury Fire,” said Neil Bosworth, Forest Supervisor, for the Tonto National Forest. For this prescribed fire, no planned burning will take place over the weekend, however, the prescribed burning operation may resume possibly sometime next week.A temporary forest closure is still in place due to risk from fire-weakened trees or burning debris. These include the large Woodbury fire, the Coldwater fire, and more. The number of resources assigned to the fire is being reduced, as the risk of fire moving out of its perimeter has greatly diminished. The fire has transitioned back to a Type 4 fire and fire teams will continue to secure holding features and reduce fire-related roadway hazards.Inciweb notes that the fire has transitioned back to a Type 4 fire, allowing resource numbers to be scaled back. Could not determine your location.Bluff Spring Trail (#235) is open from Peralta Trailhead to the junction with Terrapin Trail (#234).The revised Woodbury Fire Area Closure will also modify the closure boundary on the southwest side of the Woodbury Fire, allowing the public to once again travel the western end of State Highway 88 to Fish Creek Overlook, and allow for limited hiking opportunities near Apache Junction and Gold Canyon.