This gives the bite stick an advantage over a catch pole; catch poles tend to anger the public because, when carried by approaching officers, people automatically assume you are approaching with the intent to take their dog away from them.  Chemically immobilized animals may be handled and moved much safer than those that are not. Expandable bite sticks are easy to carry partially concealed in your hand as you approach and speak to the public. They often work closely with local police, as well as provincial and federal authorities. mist to create a barrier between you and the animal.

spray; the dog will usually change its mind and run off. If the Culver City Animal Services Officer is in the field or on-duty, the call will be immediately dispatched.  AACIS must point out that when it comes to a dog that has made up it’s mind to attack you, even a direct shot of O.C.

An Animal Control Officer works within Mesa's boundaries using a cell phone, radio, laptop computer, and specialized truck to locate stray animals, occasionally bag dead animals for pick up, and impound live animals.  In this type of application, the animal is not directly sprayed, but feels the slight effects by inhaling a small amount of the O.C. Officers are still responsible for the enforcement of animal control ordinances, noise complaints involving barking dogs and associated problems after hours.  That does not include any other workers compensation, lost wages, or lost manpower for the agency.  Finally, the use of chemical immobilization reflects professionalism with an agency an gives a more positive public image; nothing looks worse than an officer slinging an injured animal onto a truck by a catch pole.Copyright © 2018 American Animal Cruelty Investigations School.

An Animal Control Officer conducts animal rescues and abuse/cruelty/neglect investigations. :)" on Pinterest.

 And should the officer actually be attacked by a dog, bite sticks are much easier to use as an improvised impact weapon to make the dog release and retreat.From a risk management perspective, the cost of training and equipping officers is one of the best investments an agency can make to ensure the safety of their officers.

A major responsibility is the enforcement of City codes such as:  leash laws, livestock restrictions, licensing requirements, barking/nuisance and vicious dog ordinances, and Arizona Revised Statutes related to animals.

 A recent study discovered that the total annual medical expenses associated with dog bites exceeded $180 million in the United States.

This class is responsible for performing related duties as required. Authority to issue citations is limited to violations of the City's animal control ordinances. 4.1 Animal Control Officers will be trained and certified as Limited Duty Officers.