Bei erzwungener Taktgleichheit zeigt sich, dass pro MHz in vielen Fällen noch eine deutliche Lücke klafft.
Wenig verwunderlich ist da, dass das Abschneiden im Cinebench zu den stärksten Teilresultaten der Ryzen-CPU gehört. They also sport unlocked ratio multipliers, though you'll need a motherboard based on the X370, B350, or X300 chipsets to overclock.As we established in our architectural deep-dive, AMD also arms Zen with simultaneous multi-threading support, allowing each physical core to operate on two threads in parallel. AMD Ryzen 7 1800X review: now a decent gaming chip and symbol of a resurgent AMD Thanks to the Ryzen 7 1800X, and its ilk, Bulldozer feels almost like a long-forgotten dream. Das letzte Mal gelang AMD das vor über 6 Jahren. Auch Spiele profitieren vom "langsameren" Speicher.Alle Leser bekommen bei uns täglich kostenlos News, Artikel, Guides, Videos und Podcasts über aktuelle Spiele-Hardware und ihre Lieblingsspiele. In Spielen sieht es leider weniger gut aus - speziell mit aktiviertem SMT. Jeder Beitrag, ob groß oder klein, ist wertvoll.
On top of that the X370 chipset, supports an additional 2 USB 3.1 Type C, 6 USB 3.1 Type A, 6 USB 2.0, 4 SATA 6Gb/s ports, 2 SATA Express ports (or another 4 SATA 6GB/s), and an additional 8 PCIe 2.0 lanes as well.So, Ryzen, what is it? The company also set an ambitious goal to increase instruction-per-clock throughput by 40% over Excavator through a series of design choices that significantly boost performance. Again 8 cores, 16 threads, 16MB of L3 with a core clock of 3.0 GHz boosting to 3.7 GHz, however this time featuring a TDP of 65W and a sweet price of £325 ($329, around AU$430).Well taking a look at the chip first, we have dual channel memory, with support for up to 64GB of DDR4 (supporting 2400 MT/s officially, and up to 3600 MT/s on the board), 24 PCIe 3.0 lanes, 16 dedicated to graphics, 4 for PCIe SSDs, and 4 for chipset communication, and support for up to 4 USB 3.1 devices solely on the chip. That’s not to say that AMD was entirely absent, purely that its design ethos with the Bulldozer line of mainstream processors just wasn’t anywhere near as competitive as its Intel counterpart. Notably AMD’s AM3+ and FM2+ platforms were typically archaic when it came to connection standards and updates, so how does the new series of boards look aligned alongside these processors?So until the 5 and 3 series launch later this year, that’s the 1700X and 1800X.
Intel's $1000+ Core i7-6900K seemed like an ambitious choice, but early hand-picked benchmark results made AMD's eight-core engineering samples look formidable. Well, after factoring in the new micro-op cache (bypassing the L1 and L2 for frequently-accessed micro-ops), the better branch prediction engine, the 1.75x-larger instruction scheduler window, and faster caches, the company cites a +52% final tally compared to Excavator. Company representatives told us its next generation would usher in incredible performance gains, matching or surpassing Intel's best efforts on multiple fronts. Recruiting famed chip designer Jim Keller (successfully crafting both AMD’s legendary Athlon 64 and Apple’s A4 processor), AMD set to work on creating what is likely the biggest shake up in processor technology within the last ten years.Next up on the list of things we have to cover is AMD’s SenseMI software suite.
Noch vor dem Ablauf der Sperrfrist für den Test gab es frische UEFI-Versionen - und angesichts der "Frische" der Plattform lohnt es sich hier sicherlich, noch Ausschau zu halten.Auch hier ist mehr nicht immer besser. Bei Preisen von zum Teil unter 400 Euro für einen vollwertigen Achtkern-x86-Prozessor sollte jeder ambitionierte Anwender von ganz alleine hellhörig werden und ab heute dürfen wir, anhand des 560-Euro-Topmodells R7 1800X, endlich auch die Frage alle Fragen beantworten: Was leistet Ryzen in der Praxis?Aus diesem Grund wenden wir uns jetzt an euch. Abermals tritt dies in Spielen merklicher zutage. And AMD says it has a clear path forward planned for future versions of Zen.The conundrum AMD currently faces started when it launched Bulldozer to lackluster reviews back in 2011. Doch all das ist Meckern auf hohem Niveau: Mit dem Ryzen 7 1800X dürfte der Wunsch nach mehr Spieleleistung erst einmal gebannt sein.Viele Hersteller versorgen hierbei nicht nur ihre aktuelle Produktpalette, sondern auch ältere Modelle, ausgenommen sind aber in allen Fällen Kühler, die bislang ausschließlich für Intel-Plattformen angeboten wurden. The choice was an illusion. Meaning if you want to run two way SLI at 8x8 with a single M.2 PCIe SSD you can do that. What's important here, though, is that SKUs with an X suffix include the eXtended Frequency Range capability.