
The AMD EPYC 7F32 8c/16t processor has a 3.7GHz base frequency with 3.9GHz maximum boost clock while having a 128MB L3 cache, 16MB of L3 cache per core just like the EPYC 7F52. Coincidentally, Intel is reportedly preparing its next wave of rewarmed Cascade Lake Xeon processors to hold off AMD's Epyc army. For the 8 core 7F32 and the 16 core 7F52, AMD is enabling 1 core per CCX, or 2 cores per chiplet, which means the equivalent of 16 MB of L3 cache per core. The AMD EPYC 7F52 16-core / 32-thread processor has a 256MB L3 cache and a 3.5GHz base frequency with 3.9GHz boost frequency. Damit zielt AMD etwa auf Server, deren Aufgaben nicht optimal mit der Kernzahl skalieren, die besonders niedrige Latenzen liefern sollen oder die auf schnelle I/O-Anbindung für diverse Storage- oder Networking-Komponenten benötigen.AMD stellt mit dem Epyc 7F32, 7F52 und dem 7F72 drei neue Server-CPUs für spezielle Anforderungen vor. These F-series chips are a lot more expensive than the closest regular parts; we're looking at huge upticks in cost, oftentimes large enough to match a processor with double the cores. Generation anbietet. This isn’t a major new family release, the 7Fx2 CPUs are designed to close out gaps in the AMD server portfolio. Melden Sie sich an und erhalten Sie neueste Nachrichten aus den Bereichen Rechenzentrum und Server. Achtung: Sensible Nutzerdaten aus Leaks der vergangenen Monate stehen zum Gratis-Download in einem Untergrundforum.So schafft der AMD Epyc 7F32 mit acht Kernen 3,7 GHz und kann per Turbo nur noch auf 3,9 GHz beschleunigen. For example, the 16-core 7F52 is more expensive than the 32-core 7502, which is no frequency slouch itself.AMD, however, knows that obtaining higher performance in the sectors it is targetting requires more finesse than raw frequency.

AMD is duly keen to offer performance from either more cores or high(er) frequency.

HPC users can see a performance boost versus competing CPUs.For our review we looked at the AMD EPYC 7F52 in a GIGABYTE R272-Z92 NVMe Server in our Application Workload Analysis benchmarks. Der 16-Kerner Epyc 7F52 taktet mit bis zu 3,5 GHz (Turbo 3,7 GHz) und der 24-Kerner 7F72 schafft noch 3,2 GHz Basistakt.

The EPYC 7F32 has a 180 Watt TDP and supports the other common EPYC 7002 features like 128 lanes of PCIe 4.0 and eight channels of DDR4-3200. The eight-core 7F32 is 15.6 and 14.7 percent faster on the base and boost frequencies, respectively, compared to the 7262 with which it shares the same number of cores. The new AMD EPYC 7Fx2 series also lets users leverage VMware at a higher performance profile than the existing 16-core AMD offering. Dieses Mal um drei Modelle, die mit hohen Taktraten spezielle Nischen abdecken.Nach der von Garmin erst nach mehreren Tagen bestätigten Cyber-Attacke laufen die Systeme langsam wieder an.Die neuen Server-Prozessoren sollen speziell auf die Bedürfnisse von Infrastruktur-Anbietern, High-Performance-Computing und relationalen Datenbanken zugeschnitten sein und Intel nun auch den Rang bei der Leistung pro Kern ablaufen. A move to a single processor removes any potential socket-to-socket latency spikes, too.Augmenting the current second-generation stack, three new processors enter the EPYC fray today. Hilft dabei, potenzielle Angriffsflächen … Subscribe now. From a system resource perspective, we configured each VM with 8 vCPUs, 64GB of DRAM and leveraged the LSI Logic SAS SCSI controller. While our Sysbench workload saturates the platform in both storage I/O and capacity, the SQL test looks for latency performance.AMD continues to fill the gaps in its EPYC line to hit different customer needs. This is to be expected.AMD cites hyperconverged infrastructure, commercial HPC applications, and relational databases as prime sector candidates for high-frequency server processors.