It is almost all Infidels.I have mentioned this before, but I had a book when I was a child that grotesquely identified Christian Cathedral Hagia Sophia as the greatest example of Islamic architecture.Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflictsI have long noticed this–there is so little that can be considered Islamic art–unsurprising for a creed that rejects and destroys most art–that many books and museums appropriate all sorts of things to pad the slim pickings.Want them to rightly label it? MetPublications is a portal to the Met's comprehensive publishing program featuring over five decades of Met books, Journals, Bulletins, and online publications on art … The Met: Islamic Art Public domain works from the Met's European Sculpture and Decorative Arts department. Islamic art encompasses the visual arts produced in the Islamic world. For the sake of everyone’s health and safety, I hope the engineering and medical schools are being more selective in whom they allow to graduate.Now, to be fair, even the greatest museums make mistakes–sometimes some shockingly glaring ones.Metropolitan Museum of Art labels Jewish tefillin as Egyptian amulet, keeps it in Islamic Art departmentDoes anyone else see a pattern there ? Islam did not arise until the seventh… Mortimer, you have *very few* Muslims who patronize museums. The one tefillin obtained by the museum is marked to have been acquired in 1962 and is kept in the Islamic Art department.The Metropolitan Museum of Art (the Met) seemingly mislabeled a piece from their collection, which appears in the photograph to be Jewish phylacteries (tefillin), as a 6th-Century amulet from Egypt.Content copyright Jihad Watch, Jihad Watch claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. The magazine publishes news in various languages based on weather, research, space missions, unknown mysteries, adventure, oceans and more in different languages every day.The museum marked the prediction of the time period from which it comes as being between 500 and 100 AD…. Modern Art in West Asia: Colonial to Post-colonial. It is surprising no Muslim saw it. The one tefillin obtained by the museum is marked to have been acquired in 1962 and is kept in the Islamic Art department.The Metropolitan Museum of Art (the Met) seemingly mislabeled a piece from their collection, which appears in the photograph to be Jewish phylacteries (tefillin), as a 6th-Century amulet from Egypt.Flowing News is an online magazine. There are almost no Muslims who visit museums in places like Egypt and Iraq–not even school children. The object, which the Met says it acquired in 1962, is listed as part of the museum’s Islamic Art Department as a sixth-century amulet from Egypt. Most would not know what a phylactery is. The Met calls this a sixth century Egyptian amulet and yet keeps it in the Islamic Art department. See, whatever they desire and can’t make they steal and rebrand it as theirs – end of the matter.Our mailing address is: David Horowitz Freedom Center, P.O. It is dated at A.D. 500–1000. Even if the Met doesn’t know this is a tefillin, doesn’t it have a department for Egyptian pre-Islamic art, a rich artistic tradition? It is almost all Infidels.I have mentioned this before, but I had a book when I was a child that grotesquely identified Christian Cathedral Hagia Sophia as the greatest example of Islamic architecture.Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflictsI have long noticed this–there is so little that can be considered Islamic art–unsurprising for a creed that rejects and destroys most art–that many books and museums appropriate all sorts of things to pad the slim pickings.Want them to rightly label it? The Nature of Islamic Art. The one tefillin obtained by the museum is marked to have been acquired in 1962 and is kept in the Islamic Art department.The Metropolitan Museum of Art (the Met) seemingly mislabeled a piece from their collection, which appears in the photograph to be Jewish phylacteries (tefillin), as a 6th-Century amulet from Egypt.Flowing News is an online magazine. Even if the Met doesn’t know this is a tefillin, doesn’t it have a department for Egyptian pre-Islamic art, a rich artistic tradition? Box 55089, Sherman Oaks, CA 91499-1964Tefillin is worn by observant Jews during their weekday morning prayers and contain scrolls of parchment inscribed with verses from the Torah. This account is not associated with the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. This account is not associated with the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Always in search of new knowledge“Met Museum mislabels Jewish phylacteries as 6th-century Egyptian amulet,” by Tamar Beeri, Jerusalem Post, July 25, 2020:Tefillin is worn by observant Jews during their weekday morning prayers and contain scrolls of parchment inscribed with verses from the Torah.