364 Allstate reviews. Scroll down to check the ratings and reviews that you are most interested in learning about for Allstate.A review of their social presence showed active engagement and outreach. - BAIT & SWITCH - CAUTION!If it's a maintenance issue, you should look into a Home Warranty policy that would pay for appliance breakdowns, hot water heater or HVAC repairs, etc.

We are committed to resolving our customers’ complaints fairly and quickly. Allstate Complaints Over Time - Reviews and Media Coverage . A $200 pair of sunglasses with $9 , a $90 duffle with $10,, the car manual with "you can get that info online", and many more. If you had a storm or something, then your contractor needed to put on the paperwork that the replacement was due to whatever storm event and the dates that the storm happened, and they would be required to pay the damages minus your deductible.I don't know the specifics of what was wrong with your roof, but you should look up the laws in your state on homeowners insurance claims. Allstate would not pay the body shop what they charged and we were forced to pay the difference. By the way, for years I had car insurance by Allstate but had to cancel because the car insurance was so high I couldn't afforld it anymore. Think about that for a minute. I expect, if you read your policy carefully you will see something in there explaining what they do and don't cover and an explanation of what constitutes an on-going problem.Stupid and very boring. If it’s not damaged why offer to pay unless your screwing me.Allstate mysteriously changed my mother & father's 50 year old policy. You refuse to pay for something that wasn’t inspected and adopt the position that there is no damage even though your own inspector never laid eyes on it. Though it has had some NAIC complaints, its complaint ratio is quite low. Just send in your money and if anything happens. Keep calling and e-mailing these people do not respond. One example of independent study is the series of reviews and ratings by JD Power.An important aspect of servicing clients is a company's ability to respond to a wide range of customer needs.

All in keeping with the McKenzie Document which you and others seem to follow as though it were mana from heaven!

However allstate took away discounts unfairly, and screwed me on my premium as a result of mishandled claims. I was hit by an Allstate customer car Dec. 2018.i had to go through my insurance company to get my totaled car reimbursement. What the hell does my insurance have to do with this I didn't hit them they totaled my car!

!Agent initially refused to submit claim. Forget the first 2 inspections.

We were violated by robbers and then by allstate. I have never had any claim before, but they have been very helpful, nice customer service experience, they have been helpful during the Covid 19 shelter in place, they sent me a check of 15% of my coverage $47, that’s a kind gesture. Look for other options in market please like Geico . On 2 separate occasions you denied my claim when 1) you sent me Stevie Wonder who couldn't see a thing and thus denied the claim and then 2) Ray Charles who again couldn't see a thing and again denied the claim. It took fully 10 days for an adjuster to visit our home, and we spent 2 weeks in a hotel waiting for emergency plumbing repairs and for water to be restored to the home so we could at least have full use of one bathroom.