Tournament Listings (Minor Hockey Alliance of Ontario) All Tournaments For November 2019.
Home About Alliance Latest news; Organisation Tournaments Membership Members Snapshots Contact Nominations. Fri, Jan 04, 2019 to Sun, Jan 06, 2019.
Alliance International Hockey Club. Fast to. Fri, Jan … ALLIANCE Hockey is a member of Hockey Canada and the Ontario Hockey Federation. Home About Alliance Organisation Tournaments Membership Snapshots Contact. ALLIANCE HOCKEY STATEMENT IN RESPONSE TO CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) The health and safety of our players, team officials, on-ice officials, volunteers, and administrators are always our priority and are at the forefront of all our decision-making. Ages run from 6 to 21 years of age depending on the programming in that particular association.ALLIANCE Hockey, through their member association, offers Recreational Hockey for first time participants. ALLIANCE Hockey is a member of Hockey Canada and the Ontario Hockey Federation. Alliance International Hockey Club, Alliance international hockeyclub. To see who already nominated (updated 17-07-2020) for a tournament, just click on the nominations button.. The following list are the associations within the ALLIANCE who offer house league programmming:Recreational Hockey is the very basic introductory level of Hockey also referred to as House League Hockey. Hosted By: Brantford Minor Hockey Association, Sanction: 19-019 . Alliance International Hockey Club, Alliance international hockeyclub. 21st Annual Walter Gretzky Recreational House League Tournament. Home About Alliance Organisation Tournaments Membership Snapshots Contact. The following list are the associations within the ALLIANCE who offer house league programmming:Recreational Hockey is the very basic introductory level of Hockey also referred to as House League Hockey. Hosted By: Woodstock Minor Hockey Association, Sanction: 20-002 . Bank accounts. Bank accounts. Contact: Kevin Murray - Email or 519-759-8552. GBP: HSBC BIC …
Fast to. In consultation with Hockey Canada and the Ontario Hockey Federation, all ALLIANCE Hockey operations will cease as of Friday, March 13, 2020.
Alliance Hockey is a minor level ice hockey organization based in Southern Ontario.
Ages run from 6 to 21 years of age depending on the programming in that particular association.ALLIANCE Hockey, through their member association, offers Recreational Hockey for first time participants. ALLIANCE INTERNATIONAL HOCKEY CLUB. Tournament Listings (Minor Hockey Alliance of Ontario) All Tournaments For January 2019. To see more information on a tournament, just click on the logo of that tournament. GBP: HSBC BIC …
The Nominations listed below are the reconfirmed or new Nominations.
ALLIANCE Hockey is a member of Hockey Canada and the Ontario Hockey Federation.