Aerospace firms, including component manufacturers and maintenance facilities, are reining in costs and cutting manpower due to declining business.We have been experiencing some problems with subscriber log-ins and apologise for the inconvenience caused. Airbus is considering a voluntary redundancy scheme for as many as 500 UK workers as the planemaker seeks to cut costs in response to the coronavirus pandemic.. Airbus cuts production by one third due to pandemic. Apr 29, 2020. Airbus rival Boeing, which has been reeling from the 15-month grounding of its 737 Max plane and the coronavirus pandemic, announced in May that it is cutting 12,000 U.S. jobs…

"As at end of the first quarter of this year, Airbus employed some 830 people in Singapore in its various entities, covering the commercial aircraft, helicopter, defence and space businesses.This included working with the National Trades Union Congress' Employment and Employability Institute (e2i) and the Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore) (AAIS) to help find new job opportunities for those affected.
It's a brutal shock," said David Neff, a 26-year-old technician at one of Airbus' factories in the Toulouse area.Your feedback will go directly to Tech Xplore editors.Faury told Spiegel that with around two-thirds of the world's jet fleet grounded by the pandemic in recent months, "the impact of the coronavirus crisis on the air travel sector was and remains catastrophic".Some 1,500 posts could also be saved in France, he said.Unions have called on Airbus employees to demonstrate Wednesday at the company's Toulouse headquarters.Airbus' plans for 15,000 layoffs were "excessive and disproportionate," said Jean-Francois Knepper, who represents workers organised in Force Ouvriere (FO)—the largest union inside the plane maker's French operations.Germany and France have complained in recent days at around 5,000 layoffs each set to hit their countries, with Berlin urging fair distribution of the pain while Paris blasted the cuts as "excessive".Airbus employs around 49,000 people in France, with 25,000 working for the giant group and its subsidiaries around Toulouse.They plan to call for early retirements, voluntary redundancies, long-term shorter hours schemes and training to minimise the number of layoffs.Airbus plans to slash production by 40 percent this year and next compared with previous plans. No one knows who's going to be knocked out. "This is unfortunately a result of current market conditions we are facing, including customer-driven volume declines due to a generational pandemic no one could foresee," said the company, which had 829 workers before the retrenchment.It was also reported this month that jet engine-maker Rolls-Royce would be shedding some 240 jobs in Singapore, or nearly a quarter of its local workforce.