Optical. NetVanta. Hello AdTran Community! Wi-Fi. Carrier Ethernet Devices. All 4 tests(two bypassing, and two through the router) were made with the same computer.The interface is showing the same number of no buffer errors as in the configuration file so they are not accruing. 5509 no buffer, 0 overruns, 0 internal receive errorsI will set the traffic-shape rate on that interface as you suggested.When you are running the Internet speed test, is the PC connected directly to the Ethernet 0/2 port of the ADTRAN (as you have indicated this to be the LAN port in the configuration)? Have you tried multiple PCs and multiple Internet speed testing web sites?- What firmware are you running on the NetVanta? NetVanta 3200 Series. IP Business Gateways. Lines. I'm trying to do something that may or may not even be possible and I need some help. NetVanta 1100 Series. Network and Configuration Management. NetVanta 3100 Series.
What I'm thinking of doing now is establishing my own VPLS (MPLS L2 VPN) that runs on-top of the MPLS network provided by my service provider. So, my ADTRAN routers will become PE with myself as the provider and the internal routers that they're plugged into will become my CE. That way I can create various sub-interfaces for the various network types for segregation and will still be able to pass OSPF between my internal routers.I have attached a quick and dirty network diagram showing my current network topology with the GRE tunnel.It is my understanding that a "normal" IKE/IPSEC VPN wouldn't work either as the OSPF traffic would not be forwarded. It would help for the segregation of traffic since I can create a VPN tunnel for each subnet. I've also run into additional problems with getting the two ADTRAN routers to form a Security Association.I'm trying to do something that may or may not even be possible and I need some help.My first idea was to use a GRE tunnel between my two CE routers (both AdTran NetVanta 3430s. I had opened a ticket with the ISP and they adjusted something on their FlashWave or Switch which seems to have resolved the issue.- When you tested through the router, was your PC ever plugged directly into eth 0/2 (LAN)?We have a 30 mb internet connection and when doing a speed test through t he router i only get ~10 mb. NetVanta 1200 Series. )What I don't know is how to do this (if it's even possible) using the ADTRAN NetVanta 3430's that I currently have.Please, update this post with the outcome, when you get a chance. NetVanta 3400 Series. If so what were the results?When i ran the bandwidth tests, i ran them from two different services; bandwidthplace.com, and speedtest.net. This product has been discontinued and replaced with the NetVanta 3430 1202820F1. It may be worth going ahead and upgrading to R10.5.3.This might seem like a silly question but from your interface statistics posted in your config file the eth 0/1 interface is showing errors. Are these errors accruing? What type of service are you connecting the Adtran to? 0 alignment errors, 0 crc errorsYes this is still an ongoing issueLet us know if you have any questions.Thanks for the follow up and thanks to the members of the community who assisted me with troubleshooting.Thanks for the follow up. NetVanta 3300 Series. NetVanta 1500 Series. The NetVanta 3430 is a modular access router that uses RapidRoutetechnology to deliver the high-packet throughput required for IP telephony, corporate connectivity, and Internet access. NetVanta 4000 Series. NetVanta 3430 (2nd Gen) Part Number: 1202820G1. MX. ) This works for the OSPF traffic and for normal network activity but I'm having major fragmentation problems and I don't have the ability to separate the Wireless from the Trusted traffic. So, the GRE tunnel needs to be replaced by something else.We also need to forward our internal OSPF routing protocol between the two sites so our internal routers know about each other.We've purchased a Layer 3 MPLS connection between our Data Center in Canada and our branch office in Portland. I need to forward all traffic from the Portland Branch Office via this MPLS link with separation between various subnets for security requirements (segregating Wireless access from normal LAN activities for example.