Erste Group Bank AG Share . Biography. Aareal's IR team has a reputation for being highly competent, reliable and available at all times.Another positive factor is that investors have good, direct access to the Company's management.

63. long-term success as a listed corporation. Since the beginning of last year, an additional analyst firm initiated coverage of Aareal Bank Group, whilst two firms stopped their coverage. View Relationship Details.
more on Investor Relations. This dialogue, greatly valued by Aareal Bank, is pursued consistently and intensively, regardless of the economic environment, and is a prerequisite for its long-term success as a publicly listed company. Manager-Investor Relations at Aareal Bank AG. In our investor portal, we provide our shareholders and debt investors with current information on our share, and our capital market instruments. On 25 May 2016 in the Kurhaus WiesbadenClick here to view and download the financial reports of Aareal Bank Group...At Aareal Bank, the dialogue with share and debt investors ranks highly.

The dialogue is conducted systematically and intensively. Company profile of the company 'AAREAL BANK AG' with business description, information about management board, supervisory board, main shareholders and investor relations Aareal Bank sees these as an opportunity, not an obligation – an opportunity to enter into open dialogue with analysts, investors and clients, as well as with the media. In order to give you a better service Airbus uses cookies. Airbus financial and company information. Respondents rate the transparency of corporate reporting (e.g. Aareal Bank Ag Investor Relations Aareal Bank Group Aareal Bank Share Aareal Contact Aareal The Management Board Untitled Aareal Bank Ag Acquisition Of Westdeutsche Immobilienbank Ag Pdf Aareal The Management Board Aareal Bank Ag 2018 Q4 Results Earnings Call Slides Aareal Aareal Aareal Bank Ag Homepage Features Of The Management Board Remuneration Aareal Bank Ag Aareal Bank Ag Investor … The dialogue is conducted systematically and intensively. Ms. Karin Desczka is a Manager-Investor Relations at Aareal Bank AG. Furthermore, published ad-hoc disclosures and press releases, financial reports, as well as current Investor Relations presentations, are available for download from our Investor Relations portal. The goal was to evaluate our capital market presence. This was done by conducting interviews with representatives of roughly 20 institutions.The survey results are extremely encouraging: the investors polled take a positive view of our business strategy and in particular of what they see as Aareal Bank Group's appropriate risk appetite. Corporate announcements. The financial calendar offers an overview of the most important dates in the company calendar.

Auf unserem Investorenportal stellen wir unseren Aktionären und Fremdkapitalinvestoren aktuelle Informationen zu unserer Aktie und unseren Kapitalmarktinstrumenten zur Verfügung.  Our CEO, Hermann J. Merkens, personally takes part in many discussions with investors. Has been listed since 2002 in the MDAX of Deutsche Börse.All key dates, reports, presentationslong-term success as a listed corporation. A relationship does not necessarily indicate a personal connection. Frankfurt am Main, April 21, 2020 -- Moody's Investors Service (Moody's) has today affirmed the A3 long-term deposit and issuer ratings of Aareal Bank AG (Aareal Bank) and changed the outlook on these ratings to negative from stable. Information about previous performance does not guarantee future performance. In our investor portal, we provide our shareholders and debt investors with current information on our share, and our capital market instruments.
In the course of the financial year under review, the Investor Relations team took part in eight international capital markets conferences and conducted more than 200 one-on-one meetings with more than 300 investors and analysts during 15 roadshows in Europe and the US. Airbus financial and company information for shareholders, investors and analysts. Er wird konsequent und intensiv geführt und ist für uns in jedem Umfeld eine notwendige Voraussetzung, um als börsennotiertes UnternehmenSeit 2002 im MDAX der Deutschen Börse gelistet.Alle wichtigen Termine, Berichte, Präsentationenlangfristig erfolgreich sein zu können. Net profit: DKK -780m (Q1 2019: DKK 610m) Read the report. ARYZTA gives you easy access to our data and news through our investor centre.