Was and were are the past tenses of verb "to be". Thanks for sharing! Was or were vocabulary worksheets help english language learners develop a better concept of english. Some of the worksheets displayed are Name where wear were, Name was or were, Less fewer work 1 14 exercises answers, Rr eaadd ff ev ey o o r name date, Name date grammar work be verb past simple, Past form of verb to be, Grammar work lie lay answers and tips mrs, W o r k s h e e t s.This section is intended to give quick reference to key stage 1 and 2 of UK England National Curriculum. Was is also used with I, he, she and it. Access to Worksheets, Cards, Invitations, Calendars and more for FREE! ddixxy 6/13/2020 Lovely worksheet-thanks :) Chusmorag 6/7/2020 Very useful, thanks! We also offer many different Kids Worksheets on our site, so check us out now and get to printing! There are multiple worksheets available for you to download under each concept.In this section, worksheets are organized by topic. Check your results by clicking on "Submit Worksheet" Verb To Be Drag and Drop Exercises: Am-Is-Are Exercises 1 Am-Is-Are Exercises 2 Also See: Verb "To Be" Present Tense Was or Were Exercises 2 Use was when the subject is a singular noun. Grammar, reading, vocabulary, speaking. Was Versus Were. This is the first part ... 21,606 Downloads. Was Vs Were Worksheet 1 . 2- Identify whether it is a singular or plural noun.

Have this Free Printable Was and Were Worksheet today.If you are in need of some free printable worksheets, look no further than Free Printable Online.

Searches & Tags. She was upset.. 8. The peacock was dancing.. 6. The first situation is when using the phrases there were or there was.In order to use these terms correctly, you must identify the subject of the sentence and make sure that the subject and verb are in agreement.

It does not matter if you teach your kids in the home, or you are an actual teacher in a school setting, these learning pages are ideal to get kids to practice and review several key subjects and concepts within those subjects. 3- Fill in the blank in the sentences using ‘was’ or ‘were’ 4- Then on the line at the end write whether the noun was singular or plural. 1.

These Was and Were Worksheets are great for exploring the correct verb forms of 'was' and 'were' with your students.The worksheets provide students with different sentences where they must decide whether 'was ' or 'were' is the appropriate verb by circling wither one.The Was and Were Worksheets are also differentiated, with the tasks provided escalating in difficulty to challenge students.

Whether the Statement is True: the If Statement. This worksheet was made for young learners. Were / was 2. were 3. was 4. was 5. It was reading. Worksheets that speak. The boy was sleeping.. 3. You were reading. Was Vs Were. Report a problem. Maria was listening to a song.. 13. ESL worksheets focusing on was or were. We hope that you will have much use for the printable worksheets that we carry.

There are multiple worksheets available for you to download under each topic. ! Was and were chart. Displaying all worksheets related to - Was Versus Were. There are multiple worksheets available for you to download under each concept.Worksheets are Name date write was or were in the space, Can you tell if anybodys car is in the garage sofia says, Was vs were board game, Past form of verb to be, Who that which, Grammar work elementary school, Plural or possessive noun, Adverb or adjective. Tom was reading.

Categories. I really love your style! Providing them with these printable kid worksheets can help improve grades, while also stimulating their minds.let,kids,know,when,where,sentence,have,free,printable,were,worksheet,today.If you would like to add some writing or images to the worksheet, no worries. Was or Were Exercises 1 Was vs Were Exercises 2 Am Is Are Was Were Exercises 1 Am Is Are Was Were Exercises 2 To Be Verbs Different Tenses ... you can reveal the answers first ("Submit Worksheet") and print the page to have the exercise and the answers.